Get the 3-Day Weekend Entrepreneur's Book of Wisdom & Learn a Simple Path to a Better Life
April 18, 2024

217. Choices that Kill Success and Decisions that Support It

Learning to think, plan, and act with the end in mind, so you create your desired outcome more often, more easily, and more powerfully.

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The 3-Day Weekend Entrepreneur

Learn to think, plan, and act with the end in mind, so you create your desired outcome more often, more easily, and more powerfully.


  1. Making mindful choices aligned with your goals is crucial for success.
  2. Maintaining self-awareness about habits such as sleep, nutrition, and exercise is key to achieving desired outcomes.
  3. Committing consistently to important relationships is a fundamental aspect of long-term success.
  4. Recognizing and correcting small missteps helps in staying on track towards your goals.
  5. Learning from experiences and continuous improvement are essential for personal and professional growth.









You ever find yourself making choices that take you away from your goals, even though you didn't really mean to? So, this morning, I was hoping to go play beach volleyball with some friends. Before I got to most of my work, I was going to have to get up early. And, in order to do that, I was going to have to get a good sleep last night.

Unfortunately, I made some poor decisions about the food ate a lot of sugar foods before bed. So, woke up in the middle of the night, couldn't sleep through, and ultimately didn't get what I really wanted. Now, if I had taken a time trip back to the moment I ate all the sugar foods, and if somebody had told me, look, Wade, if you eat these sugar foods, you're not going to get to play volleyball tomorrow, I would have said, nope, you know what, I'm not interested in the sugar foods.

But I didn't make the connection, and I think that happens to a lot of us very often. I don't know if that happens to you, where Something's in front of you, and it seems like a good idea, but it's just not, and you don't realize till after.

Now, a lot of people will talk about a concept called self sabotage, where they believe that people are intentionally trying to not really do their best, or to put it a different way, it gets into this really deep concept of self worth, and do I think I'm worthy of good things, and if I don't think I'm worthy of good things, well then I intentionally upset things.

I've done some studying psychology, have a master's, I've done some work. I don't have all the experience in the world but I've not found that to be the case primarily. I found that most time people just make poor choices and they don't really know where they're leading. And so I invite you to consider your sleep habits, your nutrition, the exercise you're doing.

Are those things taking you towards your goals? or are they not? And if they are, that's awesome. And if they're not, see this as an opportunity to shift that so you can start making things happen the way you'd most like to.

People have asked me, what does it take to be married for a long period of time?

And in my case, my wife and I are about to be coming up on our 20th wedding anniversary. And I do not profess to know everything. I do a lot of really not so smart things. And yet one of the things that I do know, and it's something that I believe I learned indirectly from my parents, was that we keep making the same choice.

We keep deciding to be married. It's really kind of that simple. We do things that annoy each other sometimes. We do things , that maybe don't always lead to the outcomes we were hoping for. But our ultimate outcome is always this commitment to our relationship, our family, to our children. And so I invite you to consider that for the choices you're making, that even if you make a choice, it's a bit of a slip, that you can make that correction knowing that you're still ultimately working towards the best thing that you want, your most important goals.

And it doesn't have to be something that's quite so tragic.

I hope you find this helpful. If you have things you'd like me to share about, or if you have comments or feedback or insight or things you've learned, I'd love to hear them. As always, I look forward to helping you impact more people with your work and with who you are as a person and make more money so you can share that money.

with your family, with the team members you work with, with the freelancers, the outsourced business partners you have, and do that in less time so you have time to enjoy your freedom and fully enjoy your family, your friends, and your life out of sight of work. Thanks so much for listening.

Wade GaltProfile Photo

Wade Galt

Author, Podcast Host & 3-Day Weekend Coach for Entrepreneurs & Employees


With over 30 years of experience working with entrepreneurs, I teach fundamentally sound strategies to help people Make More Money… In Less Time… Doing What They Do Best.
• I help Employees, Entrepreneurs & Business Owners create a sustainable 3-Day Weekend lifestyle.
• Insurance Agency Owners follow my strategies for sales process implementation plus recruiting & accountability enforcement.
• I've been a successful software company founder and owner for over 20 years.

I help people connect with the divinity within, so they can
1. Receive Guidance and Support from the Divine to Create the Life They Most Desire
2. Love Themselves the Way the Divine Loves Us
3. Love Others the Way the Divine Loves Us

I've led retreats and personal growth workshops, authored numerous books on spirituality, personal growth, finance, parenting, business growth & more.

Pulling from 15 years' experience as a productive employee and over 15 years as a software company founder & owner, corporate consultant, sales process implementation coach, accountability expert, recruiter of superstar talent, provider of mental health counseling (psychology) services, life coach and 3-day weekend entrepreneur - I teach others to create the life they most desire personally & professionally.

As a former Fortune 50 corporation software project leader and sales & management trainer, I've been a lifestyle solopre… Read More