Get the 3-Day Weekend Entrepreneur's Book of Wisdom & Learn a Simple Path to a Better Life
Nov. 16, 2021

132. Stop Chasing, Start Having with Mitch Creasey

Align with your Zone of Genius and your true desires to do the work, get the results, and create the life you truly desire.

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The 3-Day Weekend Entrepreneur

Align with your Zone of Genius and your true desires to do the work, get the results, and create the life you truly desire.



Mitchell Creasey is an award-winning executive coach who helps business leaders actually enjoy what they've built!

After seeing his father, the CFO of a publicly traded media company collapse from a work-induced panic attack, Mitch vowed to use the tools his hippie mother taught him to ensure people like Dad could skip the struggle and go straight to the spoils.

An expert in ease, Mitchell works closely with leaders from banking to tech and has appeared on KTLA Morning News, Good Day Chicago, Great Day Washington, Nashville’s Talk Of The Town, Virginia This Morning, & CTV Morning Live Calgary.










Your zone of genius is something that you can do at three o'clock in the morning, if someone woke you up and you were completely intoxicated and you didn't know where you were, you know, what was going on, you can still do it. You don't have to even think about it. It is so easy for you. You don't even see it as a gift. Welcome, everybody to them, excited to have Mitch Creasey with us and we're going to talk about the idea and the implementation of how you can stop chasing and start having Mitch helps business leaders actually enjoy what they've built.


Thanks so much for joining us today, Mitch.


Hi, Wade.


Thank you so much for having me. It's a pleasure to be here. Awesome.


So I really enjoyed our pre-interview. A lot of stuff we talked about. And what I wanted to first do is just maybe let you share with us a little bit about what you got you into this work and a little bit about what do people usually come to you for? What's that situation that a person's coming and saying, OK, Mitch, I need your help. And where does that usually lead?


So we'll go in reverse order, so the people that reach out to me that I usually work with are people that have climbed the ladder or almost climb the ladder and they get to a point where they're like, well, OK, cool. Now what this is it like this is what I was doing all that stuff for. Like, it's good. Looks good. I have everything that I thought I wanted, like I have I had one client who started in a mailroom and now that they're there are a VP of a national bank and.


If he had asked them 50 years ago, this is where you can be, they'd be like, hell, yes, that is exactly where I want to be. Now that they've been there for about five years, they're looking around. They're like, oh, same different diaper. Interesting. OK, now what? And so when people come to me, they're coming because they realize there's this whole I have everything that I set out to get, yet I don't feel any different.


What do we do about that? So I help them essentially fill that hole so that the work doesn't necessarily have to change. But it becomes a lot more fulfilling because they themselves are in a place of wholeness now.


So at home, in their in their in their relationships with their kids, with their spouses, with themselves, primarily, they're able to simply just sit and feel like they've won the lottery for no reason whatsoever. So now going into the office, stuff that used to drive them crazy or the stuff that they used to push, push, push on to fill that hole, they're allowed to let it go. Now they're allowed to release it because they themselves are already full.


So that's who I help. Generally, how I got into this is a great question because I ask myself that all the time and the answer I given in the past, which is still very relevant. My father was CFO of a publicly traded multinational company, and when I was in university, he collapsed in office of a panic attack. And my dad, super strong guy, he represented Team Canada. I was in Toronto representing Canada's athlete. He has one knee and he's run all the major marathons.


And he's a very good amateur athlete. He's a tough dude. He's very generous, very kind, very loving. But he's a tough dude. I got it. I'm fine and fine. And I see that in a lot of clients as well. Right. With the higher we get and Wade, I know you know that the higher we get, the more it's like, OK, well, I'll just put my head down a little bit deeper, put my head a little bit deeper and keep going.


So he very much has that personality and got to the point where he collapsed in office and his doctor ordered to stay five hundred feet away from his office for an entire year. And around that time, I in my own life is starting to ask the bigger questions. What am I here for? What am I supposed to be doing? Because it became apparent that this is a pattern of job, money, relationship, new relationship, new job, new money.


And we around and around we go is like, well, that's got to be more to life than this. Like this. This can't be it. And I'm lucky because. Well, I shouldn't say I'm lucky. I don't believe I don't believe in coincidence. Everything happens for a reason. And I was very you know, it so happened that I was born to my dad on this side, but my mom was pretty much as big a hippie as you could find without actually being a hippie.


I always refer to them as the real life Dharma. And Greg, to any of our audience viewers who may remember that sitcom. And so anyway, it got to the point where it clicked and it was like, OK, start using the tools that Mom taught you is a universal law essentially and introspection to help people like that. And when that that clicked inside of me, I went, oh, yeah, OK, there it is, let's do it.


And the business was born from there. And we we went. Awesome. There's something I love that Wayne Dyer says about meditation and for our enlightenment, excuse me, before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. And this is saying he didn't make it up, but he shares an after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water and says, you know what? So what's different is after enlightenment, you're going to be so happy chopping that wood and carrying that water.


And, you know, so it's not so much that the material plane changes. We still need to pay our bills. We still need to do certain things. But being able to create a situation where we are. At least enjoying what we do, and I at least when I talk to my clients, I see a few different things. There's the I hate my work and. That person spoke there at that stage, and usually it's not so much to hate their work, they're like what you shared.


They're frustrated. They're they've gotten somewhere that they had at one point wanted to get and they're not content because other things are not as content. Most people I talk with, if their personal life is is really solid or what they want it to be and their job isn't what they want. They're a little more almost precise, a little more. Well, you know, my job could be better or this could be like they're a little more objective about it.


There's not as much annoyance. There's not as much passion about what my job sucks. But the people who let's say they got the job they wanted or something close or God forbid, not exactly the job they wanted, even though there's so much abundance in the part of the world where you and I live, and they're very frustrated about that. And there's still these other couple other stages of, OK, well, what if you actually at least liked your job, even if you don't think it's what you put on this planet to do, which I have some of the work that I do and I work with people that sometimes say Wade I do my work, you know, that it pays the bills.


I don't love it. Like, it's not the greatest thing in the world, but it's a good job. I believe in it and sure, I'm happy to do that. And then there's the people that are doing what they love. And I'll tell you, I love doing this and obviously I don't do it. Twenty four, seven. But they get to do for the most part what they love to do. When you talk with the person that is trying to get from that sense of dissatisfaction, whether it's with the job or with life or as you and I know very often, it's some mix of the two, but they may be pointed at one, not the other.


Where do you start with the person? How do you get a person? Like, what's that first step? Because a lot of people say, OK, I'm dissatisfied. And then if you throw in some of what I was raised with and I similar to the entrepreneur father and the spirituality reading, you know, read Krishnamurti and psychology and all this stuff type of person watching all the stuff. And yet and so I even have a little bit and I was raised Catholic, so I have a little bit of that will gosh, I should be grateful for what I have.


And gratitude can be nice, but it can be one of those things where we say, well, life's too good. Now, I don't to ask for more because now I'm grateful.


Where do you start with somebody when there's so many places you can start, or is there a place you find that for most people? So, you know, for those who are listening, which is a great place to start as far as starting to to make a positive change in that direction. So we always want to start exactly where we are. We want to work and we always want to work from the inside out. So for most people, when when they come, usually where we where we begin is what is the thing that's causing you the most pain right now?


And when I say pain and doesn't like trauma is relative, it doesn't have to be this big. Oh, my God. A life changing event, blah, blah, blah. It just be someone's pissing me off. It just be like, I don't know, I'm just irritable today. I didn't sleep well last night or at work. This thing happened and usually that that thing acts as the gateway down to the deeper thing. And when we say inside out, we always want to begin at a deeper level.


What we see outside of ourselves is there is a direct reflection of what's going on inside of ourselves. So when we start with N, if we can start to shift this core belief, we can start to shift this this perception, this this false belief within ourselves to something that actually suits us. We're going to have that thing that suits us now reflected back to us. So there's this common misperception that I have to go change something out there to feel better in here.


And that's why it never works, because we're violating natural law will do so. We want to start inside. So say, if I believe that night times are are bad for me, I'm not going to sleep because I'm signaling to my body that there's danger here. So we need to be vigilant. But if I can change that, to believe to nighttime is my time to connect to my higher self, nighttime is the time where insights are downloaded into my brain.


Nighttime is the time where my body becomes alive and it restores and rejuvenate. Now, all of a sudden, that's something I want to be a part of. That's exciting. So I change the belief at a core level and now all of a sudden my sleep is going to improve.


So. I guess a good way to start is we want to we want to identify basically anything that doesn't feel good at the body, that's always the best place to start. Like very simply, what doesn't feel good in the body of the angry and sad and frustrated, whatever it may be, and might feel guilty, whatever that is in the body, that's always one where we where we want to start. And there's there's really like five ways I find, let's say, my five favorite ways to start to correct the misperception that's living in the body.


Right. The brain and body are a feedback loop. So if I have a feeling in the body, it's because I'm holding a misperception in the mind. So if I can correct the misperception in the mind, it's going to free the feeling in the body. And now I've moved back into a state of homeostasis, into peace, into rest. So all of that to say my my five ways that I really like to correct misperceptions. And number one, I love questions.


What am I really upset about? And bold and I italicize really. And if I just ask myself, what am I really upset about now? What I think not because that person said something, but what am I really upset about? I ask myself that question. They just let it linger. I let it be usually within a few days an answer comes to me when my attention is placed on something else. And when we have that insight, that realization, the misperception is corrected and we can go forward.


So the second thing I like to ask is it's more of a declaration and it comes from a course in miracles. My favorite book of a student of a Course in Miracles. I am willing to see this differently. So if I know that I'm not feeling good or I'm not liking what I'm seeing and I don't necessarily know how to change it, I'm going to state to myself and the IRS, God universe, whatever you want to call it, the quantum field and willing to see this differently.


Next question, what is the truth? And I ask myself that question. I ask my body that question because underneath the grievance, underneath the the misperception or the tension in the body is going to be the truth, the truth being that I am whole no matter what. And if I just simply ask the question over time, I'm going to it's like a muscle, right? The more you ask the question, the more developed, the more developed the muscle becomes.


I'm going to be able to find that dimmable light within me no matter what. And once I can feel it, then I go, OK, this this situation is not what I think it is. And it just creates a little space for me to receive some more insight about how it is I want to move forward. Number four, I want to get outside of my body. So Joe Dispenza talks about this a lot, about moving, taking our focus from whatever is going on within to the space just outside of the body.


And I can sound a little bit heady and conceptual, but if you really think about just removing your focus from the problem or the perceived problem in your head or the tightness in your chest or the butterflies in your stomach or the tightness in your throat to something outside of that, what you've done now is you've connected or reconnected with your mind and not your brain. And the big difference there is the mind is open to information that the brain cannot see.


Right. The mind is connected to everyone and everything. And the body exists within the mind. The brain exists within the body. So if we can connect to mind, then we've opened ourselves up to new possibilities and new ways forward. And lastly, this is for all my my tangible peeps out there tapping your way to true so emotional freedom to me. I'm sure you've heard of it. Most people have, but I love it because it's such a great way to and maybe in the show notes we can link to a video of how to do it if you guys don't know how to do it.


But there's such it's such a tangible way to actually move that energy that's unhelpful through your body so you can get to a point of relaxation and go, oh, that's what I'm really upset about. So you kind of answering that first question. No one, at least I don't know, Wade when you when you tap, do you experience that? Because I know I do. If I start tapping on one thing that's making me upset, usually halfway through, the real thing I'm upset about starts to emerge.


So my my vocal starts to change in the middle of tapping. Oh, thank you.


So yeah. So one of the things that I know I speak with people about sometimes in a similar way to what you're talking about the. My more people, my people that are more left brained will grasp the idea of InsideOut, I'll usually talk about, for example, let's say it's a business owner and they've got five to ten people that work for them, with them, whatever we want to call them. And we'll have the same conversation or at least the same starting point.


Hey, it's an inside out issue. So, for example, you hire me sometimes as the coach to fix your staff when you and I both know, usually it's at the center. So first of all, there's a certain group of people that'll do won't even take responsibility for that. Like, OK, well, that's we're not going very far when it's you know, it's always their fault. OK, so that's like it's like sports, you know, the guy or the gal that takes credit when their team wins, but when their team loses, it had nothing to do with them.


I've had clients. Yeah, I've had clients where I've spent like it's taken a year to get to that point where to actually drop that like 08, 09.


I have a part in this.


So, yes, I feel, you know, and so there's so there's that. So a lot of people, if we talk about that concept, they'd say, OK, Wade. Yeah, I get the idea that if I'm the leader and if I have the greatest, I have the greatest called veto power decision making power. OK, chances are on some level.


Most of what's good in the businesses in some way, indirectly because of me and also what most of what's not so good. And so that's something I'd say just even looking at thoughts involving whether it be Stephen covid or different authors of last, let's say, since the mid 80s, most stereotypical almost. And I'm going to go to a gender here. Caveman like males have been able to accept that. OK, yes, probably. Again, I've got to take the credit and the blame.


And of course, if you're an athlete, you definitely hear that conversation enough. Like, you can't just take credit for the wins. And then when people go a step further and say, OK, so so it's inside. Outside. But then when you go that next step to where you're at, where you say, so what's going on in your brain is either a tracking thing, synchronicity, coincidences, things coming that way. People say, but OK, wait, hold on.


How do I affect the fact that, for example, my team member is constantly late or how do I affect the markets doing this, or how do I affect these things that seem to be out of my control? And most will accept the idea of, OK, well, sort of the Serenity Prayer. And so let's focus on what we can control and let's not worry about what we can't control. How do you help somebody start to understand the part that is more new age psychology?


It's more weeaboo, according to some. Have you in a word, where we start getting the things that I happen to believe in as you do, that there are things that just because we can't see it doesn't mean it's not real. You know, there's Wi-Fi waves going around right now. Right. Anyway, there it's fact that they're there. I can see them. Doesn't mean they're not there. How do you help people start considering more of that?


I guess the closest pop psychology term, which is thought would be the self-fulfilling prophecy or you're attracting things to you. Not so much in the way. I'm just going to sit here and meditate and hope that car lands on me, not on me. But it hit my dream.


Yeah. Yeah, but more of that. Yes. You're still attracting. How do you help people make that shift? I know a lot of the people I talk with especially it's almost the stronger people are getting real world results, the more they've been reinforced in that real world.


I got I've got like air quotes record for today, but then when they when they want to do something that's a little more intangible, they don't know what to do with it. How do you help somebody start seeing that? Yes. Your core beliefs and explain a little more of a core belief. You don't mind? I'm familiar with that term, but some people might not be as familiar because it's beliefs or beliefs. Right. They're accurate. Right.


So I don't know why I'm giving you two questions at a time that is so hard core belief.


And then how do you help a person who's maybe more on that left brained or who's more just a Missouri person. Show me state. Show me show me what it's like. How do you help them start considering the idea that how they're seeing the world, how they're perceiving the world is actually impacting what is in reality confirmed, subjective or objective reality happening outside that they're still impacting? Well, I give them something different to see very, very plainly put.


So it's the great thing about this is that the law is law. Law is law. Doesn't care if you're Mitch, your Wade, your Salli. It doesn't care if you were born with nothing or born with everything. And what I usually tell people is that you're using a law now. You're just misusing it in ways that don't serve you so well. You know how to manifest. You're already doing it. And so I ask them. Look at look at your life now and then, what thoughts correspond inside, are those two not correlated?


So I start to offer the rational brain proof based on what we're seeing already. So and then from there, answering the other question, most of our beliefs are based on our biases and most of our beliefs are born from a place of protection or learning from when we were little. So our beliefs aren't necessarily our beliefs. There are parents beliefs. There are caretakers beliefs. There's the beliefs of our experience in those formidable years, right. In those zero to 14 years.


And so. That can be good, depending on where you are in your life or where you want to go, or that can be not so helpful. So when we understand that a belief, a core belief being something that. Is not necessarily seen from the beginning core, a core belief or a belief would be like, you know, I believe that good things happen to good people. OK, well, that's a nice thing to say. Is a true yes.


And is it true? No. Right. There are lots of good people who don't experience good things. Why? Because they are unaligned with themselves. They are not actually doing good things because it's coming from a place of extension of who they are. Naturally, they're doing good things because they believe if they do something good, they're going to get something and that getting something is most likely going to be something that protects or shields them from the thing they're scared of.


Normally, the thing they are scared of is the thing they actually want. And when I say, hey, guys, I know this is this is not just talking about you like I know why you've done it in your life. I've certainly seen it in mine. This is this is human nature. And this is why having a coach having support in your life is so beneficial, because as all of these things in stop inside start to come to the surface, what you get and this is what the Lapse Rate people love, what you get is control.


So now I have control over what beliefs I want to hold, which ones I can cast away and what new ones I want to bring in that are going to correspond and the line with the life I actually want to live. That's awesome, and and that's the thing that I think a lot of people that I work with, they want to. They want to do something different. Most of the people, if you're even listening to a podcast, you get one.


The most common things of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So most people, if they're listening to a podcast, if they're reading a book, whatever it might be, they're in some way open. They're hiring a coach. OK, I want something different somewhere. And you and I have both experiences as coaches. Sometimes you said, well, you hired me to do this and you want this, but I'm telling you what to do and you don't want to do it, but you want it.


And of course, sometimes we want it our way. We don't want it the way that actually it needs to be done. Like, you know, the diet that says, well, you can just eat Twinkies and end up with a six pack of six pack abs. So, you know, I know what I want and I know how I want to get there. But that's not how it actually works in reality, right?


Yeah. How does somebody know? If something's holding them back, because this whole core belief thing, you and I are saying something and you've mentioned a couple of times law and I understand what you mean by that and, you know, natural law, if this then this, you put your hand on fire, your hand burns. And I know there's a couple of things people say, well, yeah, well, you know, you can do this.


And you most of the time I know you can. There's yogis that can do certain things and you can walk on coals and but for the most part, you get hit by a car. It's going to hurt. There's certain things that are they are what they are. And a lot of the times that Hosain of you know, what you think is true. That's not true. And that's really at the heart of the core belief conversation. What is it that you think is actually true?


That's actually not really true. The world's flat core belief of a lot of people many years ago, not actually true. How does somebody know if something is holding them back, because some people say, well, no, I think I'm doing fine, my my life looks pretty good round and I'm not in The Matrix. I don't feel like I'm being taken advantage of. And yet at the same time, I'm still sensing there's something better. How does somebody know if someone's holding them back?


So, I mean, again, the simplest way is if what you see isn't what you really want and there's that capitalized italicized really again, so I can have the house, I can have the cars, I can have family and I can have the job.


But is that what you really, really, really want? And and a lot of times when we're coming up, when we're growing, we're told and I mean, I'm a parent, you're a parent. We try our best with the tools that we have. And this is not throwing anyone's parents under the bus because, again, they did the best they could with what they had. It's not their fault.


But we we get told very early on, we sometimes verbalize, sometimes it's just action that what we really want isn't right. So what we do is we take what we really want and we repackage it in the most socially acceptable format. Right. So if your you have the house and you stand on the curb and you look at the house house, do I want this house? I don't not like this house, but my wife or my husband, they really wanted this house.


OK, well, there you go. What did you really want? So we get so used to what should be in essence and where there's tons of room for a win win, we get used to a win loss or a loss loss. And the more win win losses or loss losses that we experience where we say, as you mentioned earlier, or it could be much worse, I should be grateful for this. All we're doing is turning our back on our own.


Obviously, their own desires, but our own the intuitive blueprint that was given to us to experience life at the highest level possible. When we settled for a win loss or a loss loss in their hidden right leg, as I said, no one's going to say, oh, terrible house, you must be hurting, right? They're going a great place. Yeah, this is a great place. But is it the place you wanted? No, it's not.


So, you know, it's it's funny. I was talking last week to a publicist friend of mine, and I was saying that, you know, I was like, I think I want my own show. And she was like, OK, great. And what does that look like? Blah, blah, blah. And it came out that I don't actually want my own show. It sounds like a lot of work that I don't want to do.


But what I want is my own segment on a show that already exists.


That is totally acceptable, but that ownership of getting clear on what it is I actually wanted. It puts it in such a light that it becomes acceptable because now I know where I'm going, right? It's not always I always say it's like when you're, you know, when you're in school and they say, like, OK, here are the five jobs you can do. If you want to make money to be a lawyer, you can be a doctor.


You can be a professional athlete. Jobs, right. So when you're a kid, you're like, OK, one of those three. So it's either those three or four, like garbage man. My it's it's a great job doing that. But you understand what I'm saying, right? Like, we only think it's just it's this or that. It's not. It's about tapping into you and understanding there's a blueprint in you for your highest and best.


And when you live it that again, what's outside is reflecting back. What's inside to I'm living at my highest and best. All of a sudden, everybody in my camp in their circle, they're getting the best of me. It's going to open them to opportunities to their highest and best.


Absolutely. And one of the things I remember when we first had children. For the first six years, roughly, I stopped playing beach volleyball, I love beach volleyball. That's right. Right, exactly. And I thought I'm being a great dad and putting so much time and effort into this. And meanwhile, I was putting all this pressure on all of my emotional, psychological relationship needs to be met by my wife and this little being that can't talk yet and just pees and poops and eats.


So really, I mean, you know, so looking back, it's very easy. She wasn't a great idea. Done out of love, done out of the, you know, a very pure intention, but. And inaccurate, faulty core belief or inaccurate? Now, when we go into this, and I think this is the tougher part is so I know something's holding me back or again, just something's not as good as it can be. And I've always loved the term divine discontent in the sense of sometimes you have discontent that is divinely there.


Like as humans, we want to do better. We want to grow. It's not, well, dammit, why didn't I get this? And I'm throwing a tantrum. It's no what this next level and I'm ready for it. It's this next sort of hey, what's to be done. It's expensive.


How does somebody know what's holding them back? Because then they say, OK, I know something's wrong, but now what is it?


So this spoiler alert, the thing holding you back is you and not in a judgmental way.


We all do it right.


As I said earlier, your your beliefs are going to be outgrown and they should be outgrown if they are being outgrown and you know, they will be outgrown when you experience tension, tension being I want this, but I don't have it. I know I feel something greater than what I'm at right now, but it's not here. And I can't see it that, as you said, that disconnect, that tension Soul Work. What we want to do when we are experiencing that, we want to go back to this misperception of separation.


So separation being here, here's me. Here's the thing I want. And there is this gap, this perceived gap in actuality, the thing you want. I'm doing your hand things now. I'm going to stop. This thing you want is part of your blueprint. It's close is as close to you as your own breath. It's only the belief that says it's over there. And if we follow that belief, we're going to chase it over here.


And we're just looking in a place where it's not actually existing. Right. It's right here. So I'm going to correct that misperception, that separation going back to, as I said earlier, all of those those questions, those different types of questions I'm going to look within and the basic the basic way I love this. And so many there's so many different iterations of it out there. But the kind of a three step formula. Right. What is the belief?


What belief am I holding in place? So, like just using the television show example. Right. So say, if I did want my own show or anybody, I'm on my own show. I'm and I'm a I'm an expert in my field and one I want my article or my own business, whatever.


So here I am. And here's the thing. And the belief says that I have to do this for this long before I can get that or I have to have this income before I can experience that or I you know, the list goes on and on and on and on. So we say that's the next thing we want to do is essentially bust that belief. So we want to ask ourselves, is this ultimately true? Is this a universally true, universally true meaning?


Is this true for every being walking the planet? The answer, ninety nine point nine nine nine nine nine percent of the time is going to be no, it's not OK. So then I know it's just something I'm holding and then I'm going to ask myself, step three, what is the better what is a better belief? And here's the crux. And I think this is where people go wrong, is they'll just make something up that doesn't actually resonate and it is not actually universally true.


So this is where you want to tie back in to universal truth. So what is the better belief? Better belief is I am worthy of all of my heart's desires, let's say, because at a core level you are fundamental. You were given everything. There is nothing that is not you. There is nothing that is not a part of you. It's only your willingness to step in that direction or your unwillingness to step in that direction that's keeping it from you and upholding this illusion of separation.


Right. So if when I start this is ultimately true. No. I'm going to ask myself what is a better belief, but I want to tie it into something that is universally true, meaning that it is for everyone, because when I do, I shift into my wholeness and in my wholeness is where my complete power lies, in which all change is possible.


Very cool, very cool, yeah. One of the things that I think and that's the whole one, when people say law and universal, I really like the way you worded very simply. Is it true for everybody, you know, again, fire burning in your hands, that sort of stuff, to where it's possible that there's a few exceptions, but for the most part is yay or is it nay? So you and I talked about something that I think was a really interesting conversation.


The difference between a zone of passion and a zone of genius. And of all the things we talked about, I thought this is one of the things that I think a lot of people get caught up in, because there's this idea that, you know, you do what you love and the money will follow. And I think a lot of people get caught up that it has to be that you do what you love, that you're passionate about, that you feel called to be doing.


And in my experience as a parent, I feel called to raise children, I don't make money for doing that. I feel called to coach kids in youth sports. I don't make money doing that. And the call to do it is as strong as anything I have. And then I also have other things that I feel called to do that I do make money and there are things that I don't feel called to do. But I'm I'm I'm good at them.


And in fact, there's a couple of things. The software business have a lot of people standard. I'm somewhere in that high caliber genius area and I'm not necessarily passionate about, which is also kind of interesting. I just I'm good at certain things. Then how do you help a person navigate that conversation, number one? And what are. What expectations and realistic is such a such an interesting and sometimes dangerous word, isn't it? You know, because because then you sell off realistic if I can't prove it, because there's so many to write.


All right.


From a standpoint of expectation where, OK, I'm going to call unreasonable the idea that I decide I like playing video games, therefore I'm going to play video games all day, therefore I'm going to make a million dollars a year, which is very different than there are a small number of people making a million dollars a year playing video games. But they also did some work. They've gotten good at video games. And so even though somebody might say, well, video games are just toys, these people did something like any other craft, like any other something that at least then took it into some sort of reality.


How do we take that concept of what I'm passionate about? How is it different from what I'm genius about? And how do you how do you reconcile those two in a way that still allows us to live a life where we pay bills and do things that are still natural or not natural needed in the world?


Right. Such a good question. And I. The easiest way that I can describe it, well, first of all, there's a great book called The Big Leap by Dr. De Hendriks. I totally recommend that goes in depth with I actually think the zone of genius might actually come from this book, the term, but it goes really in-depth with this concept. And the easiest way I can describe it in my own words is your zone of genius is something that you can do at three o'clock in the morning.


If someone woke you up and you were completely intoxicated and you didn't know where you were, know what was going on, you could still do it. You don't have to even think about it. It is so easy for you. You don't even see it as a gift. It's that easy. That is your zone of genius. That coupled with when you perform it, it feels like there's some sort of release. You do it and it feels like.


A job, the job is done, like when you've completed it, you go like, yes, OK, there's some sort of this physical release that comes from it. It also doesn't feel like trying. Right. It's just it is as easy as breathing. And here's the thing. Your zone of genius doesn't necessarily imply a job. It can be something that goes spans multiple industries, multiple roles. Right. So your zone of genius could be affected.


Listening like that, you could be the best listener in the world. Right. There's no better listener in that comes back to this idea of ownership. When I looked within and I see within and I feel it because there's an alignment there. Everything comes into one line. There's a wholeness. I can then own that wholeness and I can say, this is the thing, this is me, this is what I do. And now all of a sudden, it's not a crazy thing anymore.


So say so using your example, right. Say it was video games which you may enjoy playing video games, but the thing that makes you successful at video games is not actually playing video games. It's your say. It's your ability to anticipate or it's your ability to be two steps ahead of your opponent or it's your your your vision or your your ability to sit in one spot for four hours and hours on end, whatever it may be.


But this idea that. It doesn't necessarily have to be what you think it is. So on the other side of that, we have the zone of passion. The zone of passion is. There's training involved, right? There's the illusion of learning right now, I say the illusion of learning. Learning is a beautiful thing, but learning is best when it's in addition to something that's already there not to fill a gap or a hole. Right. So.


The thing that you are a genius, that you didn't have to learn, you were born with it. You didn't spend any time going out and being like, OK, I think I'm really good at listening, so I'm going to read all the books that listening and get good at that. No, you can't do that. You know, it just makes sense. I always come back to remember that scene in Good Will Hunting, where Matt Damon says to Minnie Driver when she asked him about that.


He's like, you know, Beethoven, when he saw the keys, he could just play. But when it came to math, I could always just play the eurozone of genius.


You just play. There's no trying involved, right. Your zone of passion you may really like. So for me, I love wakeboarding. That is my favorite sport. Am I a genius? I do not know. But I love it. It's so much fun. And I try at it and I'm passionate about it. And I want Sean Murray and I were best buds. That's not true. We talked a little bit on the ground and pretty excited about it.


But I'm interested. I'm interested in it and I've been doing it forever and that but that's his only passion. If I can own that as a passion, I'm not going to misappropriate it as something that I can build a career off of. And this is where the ego comes in. And I apologize. I know I'm jumping. You're just give me so much good stuff to go off of here. But our ego will then take that passion and misappropriate it to keep us in a space of seek and do not find or chase and do not have.


The reason it does this is because it's still states employed, it has a job if we're in chase and do not have and it's also upholding the illusion of separation that says the thing we want we cannot have, which again leads back to more chasing. So if I take in this again, this is where people go wrong, is they say, if I'm going to take that zone of passion, which usually comes from outside of myself, I see it right.


There's my my you see with a lot of a lot of people in fitness, they'll be like, I want to be a firefighter. OK, well, I don't actually and some some really do, but some I don't believe they do not because they they they know they're lying to themselves, but they haven't looked within. They just saw the seven other people and what they do for a living and that looks like it's the coolest one. So I'm just going to pick that because again, that fits.


That's the box that is most closely retrofitted to my zone of genius when I actually feel inside that blueprint for my highest and best. So if I take the zone of passion and I misappropriate it saying calling it my zone of genius, I'm going to stay in this pattern of chasing and not having. But if I can keep it there in this and own it as simply a passion while still holding space for my zone of genius to arise, the thing that is effortless, the thing that takes no thought, the thing that just feels like breathing, that thing is going to provide for me and it's going to allow me to then spend my time, as you, as you said, playing beach ball, beach volleyball so that I can be the best father, being the best spouse, be the best coach, be the best programmer that I am here to be.


And everything work starts to work as this one cohesive unit. That's awesome. So a couple of things came up to me why you're saying that as number one, I look at my business and. And again, you and I talk about what we know about ourselves or the people we work with, but I encourage people to consider their own businesses. So I wanted to be and have wanted to be a sales coach. My dad's a successful Insurance, an owner and an agent.


He's been one of the top in his company and whatnot. And I started doing that after. There's a lot of things I like. I like I have multiple interests like like a lot of people do. But the best I've ever gotten back from people and that is a good eight out of ten. OK, to me it sucks.


I hate out of 10 f eight out of ten but it would keep coming back like you're good, you're really good, you're really good. Like you know we can be friends now is like no, no, that's. And then in the middle of all that, when I started this company, we had a couple of different things. Somebody asked me to do an Excel thing to help them compensate their team members. 20 years later, nearly roughly 80 percent of my income has been paid by this one thing that somebody asked me to do 20 years ago and then other people than to screw.


And it's my own genius. It's I I've never, ever thought it's not I'm not passionate about it.


And you and I talked a little bit about them and ask you to, after this, talk a little bit about how you manage your time and what so much of this is. You know, you mentioned about how much you work and what you get done. Right, right. Where you get the view behind you.


But this whole concept is of for me to be able to get to my zone of passion playing beach volleyball on Fridays without any worries, I've had to be open and humble enough, whether you want to call it surrender, whether you want an ego to say, OK, yeah, that's my zone of genius and I might not love it. I might wish the whole classic thing. The girl with straight hair wants curly hair, the girl curly hair, one straight hair, you know, instead of a seeing what's awesome about ourselves, you know, missing it out and seeing what somebody else is awesome.


It's not awesome. By the way, know these are very distracting. I've got to stop doing this.


Let's do this. I was just like look like Wade Galt dog, just like, OK, this is much more distracting. And I realized for those, you know, I hold up on him, I to make it a point, another hand and going back and forth, that actually kind of throws up. But so me being able to live this. Has required something that is a sense of humility, a sense of service to say, well, OK, these people need this tool, this software, they've asked for it.


They need it so much, they're willing to pay me a lot of money for it. I don't value it necessarily the same way they do now. I do value and how I've learned over the years is I value employees who do great work being paid well. I value entrepreneurialism. I value people getting paid for results. So that's where even though it might not be passion, like for me, like wakeboarding is for me as well. And Bc5 on those things, I've tanked so many times and lost my trunk's doing that whatever Wade volleyball.


But anyway that there still was some sort of sense of OK, this is something bigger than I am that I've been given. It's not coincidence that the skill is right here. This at this, this literally this I believe God given skill that's just sitting there, this default that again to me it's like, oh, you don't see the whole spreadsheet. Like Neil sees the Matrix and it all comes together. I see that and other things I can't see for squat, but I see that.


And so when I look at. My life being able to get to a lifestyle that I enjoy. I found that the things sometimes that I am really excited about don't make me a lot of money very often is also have a brand new.


And the things that are boring as heck with the things that make me a lot of money are often boring. I've gotten used to them. And so there's a certain level of maturity or discipline or at least choosing to say, well, if I want this 3-Day Weekend Lifestyle, I want these things. I need to be open to realizing that it might not get to go exactly the way I want it every single moment. And some sort of acknowledgment, again, of something, whether you want to call it bigger than me, some sort of I'm a part to the whole what's my contribution?


How may I serve it? Maybe in the simplest way as opposed to constantly what's in it for me? So you and I talked you mentioned that you live on a farm with your wife, your first baby's on its way and you're now oh, here.


Oh, awesome. Kyle Gillette. Yes.


Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. In week three. Awesome. And you're still smiling and you're here.


Well, if that's not a test, I don't know what is. Yeah it is great baby. Dude named indef and it was a big baby, eight pounds, 14 ounces and everybody's doing well and yeah he is, he's great. Congratulations.


That's awesome. So that that alone for those who don't have children, the fact that this man is still smiling three weeks into even though of course he didn't deliver the child just this morning is in and of itself awesome.


To share a little bit about your schedule, not so much as a brag, but because when you and I talked, oh, he reinforced for me that, of course, you being aware of zone of passion, zone of genius, all the things we've talked about is what's helped you be in a situation where you're having what it is that you truly want. And again, you don't have you know, you don't have a 50 room mansion, but you have what you want.


Right? Right. So, again, I just want to I want to want to proceed all of this with what you touched on in terms of humility. And when we I spent so long chasing what I thought was the most suitable package for what I considered my skill set to be. And when I say a suitable package, I say, what is going to get the most respect from everybody else? Like what's the biggest big boy job I can have?


Right. That that, you know, everybody else is going to agree with based on my skill set. But that was coming from a place of fear of my actual skill set. I was terrified, like Wade terrified of being who I was to to go on podcasts and television and sit in boardrooms with clients and talk about universal law, to talk about God, to talk about energy. I was like, how is that possible? Because, again, all I know I knew was growing up with my dad, like I remember like going into his office, if I wanted to take a course or whatever and I'd ask him for the money or even this, like asking him, like, can you drive me somewhere?


I would and not to him. He was the most generous. And he always said, yes, but I felt like I had to build up a case to get what I wanted. So I was always protecting myself from my own desires, always.


So it took and of course, the Miracle States is a very cleanly at the beginning. This is a journey. The entire journey is a journey that everyone is going to take. The only question is just a matter of when.


And so after years of pushing, pushing, pushing away from my my zone of genius into what I thought would be the most acceptable thing to do, did I then turn inside? And that's when things started to change outside. So I when I left. So I've always been a coach. I remember being a little eight or nine years old, I started a football team on our street. We went to one, we marched everybody at the store, we bought T-shirts.


We got our markers that drew a uniform. I did that so I could coach I then Coach Crosthwaite for like 12 years and I stayed. And it was wonderful, wonderful job. And it was good at it. But I'm not passionate about cross my mind. I do. I mean, I love this body. It's a wonderful tool, but it's a tool. I don't play stock in it beyond that. So to to to teach or coach in a place that values the body beyond that was out of alignment for me.


But I stayed so much longer because again, I was scared of my actual zone and genius. Now once I did, here's what happened in one year I tripled my income. In one year I went from I guess working in a gym. So I figured figure I didn't work a lot, but my schedule was what it was. Now I work anywhere from 15 to 90 minutes a day and 90 minutes a day is a busy day. That is a huge day.


Fifteen minutes. And then even this day, that's it. I spend the rest of my time by choice, most of it in solitude out here on the farm, as you see, because that's where I feel my connection and with my job. Here's something funny to start with you. I remember when I was little and this is just how much our beliefs, our core beliefs get shaped by by our parents and our experiences when we're little. And I remember I was in the car with my dad and I think in the early nineties and David Letterman just signed a new contract for I think he was on the Today show.


You just signed a new contract for whatever it was. And they announced on the radio and my dad lost his money. Like, this guy gets paid that much and all he does is just talk. What do I do for a living? I just talk. That is all I do, people message me and I send them a police response. That's it. That's what I do. But when I saw that infuriate my source of safety at the time, what am I going to do?


Not that. Right, so I blocked that off only after going within and working through and changing those core beliefs, that I actually allowed myself to align with that blueprint for my highest and best that had been there all along. Once I did all of the things I was trying to get.


Started to come to me now that being said, there are still more things I want to do, but now I have a process, now I have a blueprint. I understand the manifestation game a little bit more. I understand myself more, and I understand because I've been through it. I understand when I'm operating from a place of love or a place of truth and an understanding, when I'm operating from a place of fear of protection or straight from my ego.


It's all one of the same. And I know that when I operate from from my ego, I'm just going to chase and chase and chase. And I have and I still do this every day. I still do it. But I recognize it's so much quicker able to move myself back to this place of love, this place of rest, this place of having because again, as we said at the beginning, what is inside is going to be reflected back to me outside.


So if I'm OK, you are occupying a place of having within. It's only a matter of time before the having is reflected without. That's how I start to get the the 3-Day Weekend, that's how I start to get the job that I actually want. That's how I start to get my people to come in on time. That's how I get them to start listening to the directions. I say when I listen to myself, it's going to be reflected back to me.


They are going to listen as well. Right when I am giving myself what I need, the people around me are going to feel empowered to give themselves what they need. It might not look like what I set out for it to look like. As you said earlier, rarely does it, but we're going to end up in the same place in the end, which is the result we always wanted to get. Awesome. Wow, there's there's so much like I told you, I knew we'd be talking for a while.


There's so many things I've picked up. By the way, thank you for the session. I've picked up quite a few things. You and I've read a lot of what you've read, but there's a lot of stuff you've done. This helped very much so. Thank you for that. So where can people find out more about your work if they'd like to stop chasing and start having?


So the easiest place is at Coach Mitchell Creasey on Instagram and also on LinkedIn. Mitchell Creasey to and Mitchell. My website is Mitchell Creasey dot com. There's not much on. There is pretty much the landing page, but still it's great. There's a great get at me there as well. Mitch at Mitchell Creasey dot com is my email and I'm happy to have a chat.


Awesome. Yeah. And we'll put all those links in there. And so I just end by saying this. There's there's so much. In. The conversation of human growth that it seems like we're finally starting to incorporate body, heart, mind, spirit, not just, you know, body, heart, mind or body. And for those people who are listening, I'm forty nine. I've been listening to different things. Again, like you, blessed to have parents that have helped me kind of in some way tap on all of the dimensions of those four dimensions.


I just invite people to consider if you're not in some way connecting with all these dimensions, you're just missing out. So whether you want to call it God Spirit Universe to start and I don't talk a lot about this a lot on this particular show because it's focused on 3-Day Weekend. But you find people sometimes that whether you want to call it inspiration or your muse or confidence or self-fulfilling prophecy, a lot of it's just something just acknowledging that there's something going on that we can't fully guarantee.


And so if you're a person, whether it's you look at Mitch's work or you just start reading or just open your mind, the idea that there's something you're hoping is going to change that hasn't that maybe maybe it's line and maybe it's lines in another dimension of your life, not in the areas that you've already mastered. So thank you so much for sharing your work with us today, Mitch, and verbalizing, as always, look forward to helping you help more people and make more money and less time.


Do what you do best so you can better enjoy your family, your friends in your life. Thanks for listening.


Mitch CreaseyProfile Photo

Mitch Creasey

THE PRESIDENT’S COACH 👨‍🏫 Award Winning Executive Coach ⭐️

Mitchell Creasey is an award-winning executive coach who helps business leaders actually enjoy what they've built!
After seeing his father, the CFO of a publicly traded media company collapse from a work-induced panic attack, Mitch vowed to use the tools his hippie mother taught him to ensure people like Dad could skip the struggle and go straight to the spoils.
An expert in ease, Mitchell works closely with leaders from banking to tech and has appeared on KTLA Morning News, Good Day Chicago, Great Day Washington, Nashville’s Talk Of The Town, Virginia This Morning, & CTV Morning Live Calgary.