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Aug. 8, 2021

103. Summit 18 - Your 3-Day Weekend Game Plan with Wade Galt

Learn to Create YOUR Plan an abundant & sustainable 3-day weekend lifestyle.

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The 3-Day Weekend Entrepreneur

It took Wade 22 years after graduating college to create his abundant & sustainable 3-day weekend lifestyle and 4-day week business.

He will show you how to create a plan to help you get there MUCH quicker.






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All right, so the last thing I want to do now is pull this all together we've had. Gosh, well, 11 awesome speakers other than myself, so I happen to think I'm pretty awesome, too, but there's the old school learning and whatnot have had a not so 12 heck, why not, buddy? This is for you, 12 awesome speakers today. And earlier in the day, I focused a little bit on the how do you make time for your your money, your time, your relationships, your things.


And all the speakers throughout the day have hopefully sparked you to think better, how to create a better life, how to find the time to rest, how to think bigger, how to sleep better, all these different ways, how to open up your perspective, how to connect with your intuition, so many different things. And what I want you to do is think about now where it is you're looking to go in the exact direction of where you're looking to go.


I'm not so conservative Wade I want this number by this date. I just generic direction. Are are you still in are you looking to make your life better or are you looking to go for this? Chances are if you're still here, you're saying, yeah, Wade I want a life that's better, that's fuller. Not just so I can run away from something kind of like what Alex referenced, but so I can move towards something, a life where I'm helping people more, where I'm making more money, I'm impacting more people.


I have more time with my family, my friends. You know, Chris Krimitsos talked about, you know, intentionally planning time. As I sometimes tell people, look, I do my best to hustle with my family on the weekends. In other words, do awesome stuff with my family and then also do awesome stuff on my workdays. So what I'm suggesting is now there becomes a point where we want to pull this together in this conversation and decide, OK, is this doable or what can it look like?


And so I'm going to walk you through what a three day weekend game plan can look like. And it doesn't mean it's going to get you there right away, but it's going to give you a roadmap and an idea of how to get there and why that's so important. In my case, it took me twenty two years after graduating college to get to this. If somebody had shown me what I'm about to show you, I could have gotten there at least 10 to 12 to 15 years earlier because I just would have been going there.


So basic big picture concept. A lot of people are very intent that they need to get a raise financially in their income over a certain amount of time. So at some point maybe made five bucks an hour. If you're my age, at some point you maybe earn three bucks an hour and then you ten and you're in 15 and 20 or whatever it might be. And you grew and you had in your mind that, look, at some point I'm going to grow.


There was this expectation. And if you ended up in an organization where they wouldn't reward you that way, you'd say, I got to go. So you have this expectation, increasing income. And yet zero expectation of increasing your free time or little expectation or maybe, hey, if I'm here for 20 years, they'll give me an extra couple of days off. So a lot of this is just about what you're aiming for. And the there's downsides to what's happened with the pandemic.


But one of the awesome things that's happened is people are more focused on results and making things happen, as Al Mega shared in his conversation. So how do you create this 3-Day Weekend Lifestyle? First, I'm going to walk you through. There's really sort of a 12 step process to this. And then I'm gonna show you some tools you can use, one is the return to what you have in front of you and another one, if you're a little bit of an Excel geek like I am, then there's an Excel version.


You can do this. And so basically, like anything else worth doing, you need to see it, see the planet. You need to do it and see it. The first thing to do. I'm going to go through these steps first that I'm going to kind of talk you through them and you can follow along in your workbook if you're in there towards the last section, first list, all the things you would do if you did not need to work.


And who would you do those with? She might said hang out and help my family. Chris Krimitsos said he would go to lunch with some of his best friends and go out with his family and hang out and socialize with awesome people and meet and connect with awesome people. So list what you do if you did not need to work and who you would do those things with. So right now, in this step one, we are talking about time outside of work.


We're not looking to not work. We're just saying, though, what if you did that number one number to just envision when would you spend your time doing these things? So, OK, yeah, I do that. And again, I'm going to stick with Friday. Saturday. Sunday is the concept of a three day weekend. It could be different days for you. But if you go that OK, on this day, I would do this this I do that during the week.


On these evenings, I would do this whatever it might be envisioning when that time is. And then this is possibly the most important part, there's a concept I like to talk about that kind of goes with the conversation that some people say there's either work life balance or life work balance or simply saying that we're going to put you first. Now, that doesn't change reality. If you have a job, you still need to perform for the business. You still need to perform for your customers, but schedule your life outside of work first.


And then your work hours and don't even get to specifically what you'd be doing, doing your work hours, but just what would that work be? What would that life be outside of work? So on Fridays to do this evening's going to do this Saturdays. I'm doing this Sunnism doing this first. Assume that work's going to take care of itself. And eventually we'll look at the details on that. But don't worry about that yet because we first want to go with what you want, what's going to excite you.


And again, this is not just a dream. If we don't do anything with this work, it's just going to be a dream and not a goal. So it will be action behind this. But we can start with what would that schedule look like? And then make this decision. At some point you decided you were going to get a job, at some point you decided you were going to brush your teeth every day, whatever it is, this is another decision that you're going to work towards a 4-Day Work Week type lifestyle, workwise, 3-Day Weekend or whatever is the best schedule for you they're aiming for.


So all of these first four steps, they're very cool, they're very fun, they're very energizing, and they're in the envisioning or the scene part of it, and they're very cool. But we can't stop here if we just stop here, that we've just got another idea, another possibility that may not happen. The next thing we want to be able to do is then bring the Mathen, we've said how we want to live. What would the income be necessary to support your lifestyle?


I'm going to show you how we're going to break that down in the tool because that's relevant and then identify the results or projects that will provide the desired income. And I'm going to suggest you focus first primarily on the results. So there's this concept in consulting or coaching that if I want to. Get a one thousand dollar check. I need to help the client get at least a ten thousand dollar result, because if I can help a client get a ten thousand dollar result, I can get as long as I market well and get the word out.


I'll get tons of clients who will gladly pay one thousand dollars to get a ten thousand dollar result, so you identify what's the results, not the project, not? Well, you know, it's this widget. I have a software as a service business, and my business helps calculate payroll for a small business owners. OK, that's the mechanics. Why? To get their team members excited about performing at a high level. So put simply, it motivates producers to sell.


Now, the clients who purchase my software and invest it year after year, they don't want software. They want more sales. As I like to joke with them, if I had magic brownies and my magic brownies would give them more sales, they would buy my magic brownies. Sadly, I have no magic brownies but have software and have coaching and that's the best path that I know. So they want that result and they're willing to invest in that.


Then you start to eliminate all activities and projects that don't support your top projects and this can be sharp or it can be progressive. I like the progressive approach, like Al talked about, of slowly working a little bit less each week. The idea of choosing one thing, maybe once a month you drop something, but you stick to it. And so implicit in what Al said is not, well, you know, this week I dropped ten minutes, then I dropped ten minutes again the next week.


And then I go back and then I add 30 minutes. No, no, no. It's a progression in a certain direction. And the assumption is born a couple one days, we're off here and there. You're moving in a certain direction and you're maintaining. So to eliminate the activities and projects that won't support our top projects. And then there will be certain things that need to be done, their essential activities that can be done by a competent person.


But they're not your main top results areas. And so then we want to be able to in order to do it, focus on those few critical projects needed to obtain the desired results. Now, this is a this if this if these you know, these are all all these rows the same size and they're all pretty colored. This one, if this was by percentage, this would be about 80 percent of the space here. So this is where a lot of the activity is.


This is all the things most of our speakers have talked about, connecting with people, being great reading, learning from other people, doing doing the work. And then you can finalize your schedule and say, OK, here's what I'm going to do within my work schedule to implement these vital few projects. I'm going to attract my key activities and I'm going to track my projects, the people, and report the results monthly, and then finally I'm going to just I'm going to keep an eye on what's going on and adjust and make tweaks as I need to.


So if I look at this, it's pretty simple and straightforward. Let me go to the next slide here. And so if you use theirs, you can do this in the workbook, which I've included with you, that you have, if you've downloaded that and it's in the chat, it's also in the online place, or you can use the software. The software is not in there, but I can get you the links for that. And so in the software, what you do is basically the same thing.


So let's look at some examples here. This person says here, what do you want to do? Well, I want to list I want to do family dinner with the family on a date night with my spouse on the beach with friends. OK, that's step one. Step two. When would you do this? How I envision OK, I do this this many hours per week. How often. Very similar. What Bunny Young talked about schedule something you're going to do and as she mentioned, definitely do it.


Schedule specifically when it's going to happen at these times, so there's time in my calendar then and so when you're starting out, this would not be looking to collide with what you already have planned in your calendar and would not be about you having to change your work. If you're an employee and you work nine to five Monday to Friday to create this is to be outside of those times because I can fully control that. If you're an entrepreneur and you can take off on the Friday to great, I'm going to 11 a.m. Friday and go to the beach.


And then decide. And in making that decision is also means some action, so you might need to, you know, make it happen is kind of an easy one to say we'll just do it date night. We might need a babysitter beach on Friday. I'm going to finish my work by a certain time or a certain day. So this is where the starts getting some teeth as far as how you're going to plan this, how you're going to do this.


And this is where the math really hits home here, so whatever your situation, I like round pretty numbers when I'm doing things so people can understand them. If these are my expenses that I need after tax, this is my take home income. That's what I need. Then I've got to start finding what are those projects that I'm going to do that are going to help me make this money to pay for this. And so I have presumably these highest impact activities that I look to focus on, and each one of them makes a certain amount of money.


I have a certain number I can use the model of clients. In this case, it might be different things. Whatever it is you measure, you get measured upon. And so now I'm mapping out that, OK, this is how I'm going to make this happen. This is not yet necessarily where I'm at. This is what I'm aiming for because I'm not yet where I want to be. But I'm saying this is what I'd like to see happen.


And so here's what I'm going to eliminate now, whether you're an employee or an entrepreneur, a freelancer, side-hustler, whatever situation, there are going to be things in your work that you can let go of. I know one of the things I learned inside a large corporation was if I could avoid the meetings and find excuses to do the to avoid the unproductive means. That was awesome. I was usually involved in at least two project groups. So in one project a group was meeting.


It was going to be unproductive, said, oh, I got something doing the other project group, which I did. And I moved back and forth between the two rather than sitting through useless meetings and that sort of stuff. But there's certain things you can find that simply you can eliminate. And you not doing them is not going to hurt you at all. And then there's other things you're going to have to say, OK, these are not for me to do.


Somebody else is going to do this for this to work. And then ultimately, I had back here some ideas of the projects under step six, under step nine, I'm going to say, well, actually, you know what I'm going to see, at least again, if I'm aiming, I'm going to aim for more time in this higher income per hour project. And it's not always the case. You might say Wade. I like activity number two.


The best time to spend more time there. Great. Whatever makes you happy. Usually if you enjoy growing and you enjoy challenges, the more creative challenges, the more interesting issues. When Bonnie talked about having four clients, those are high impact situations, high impact, where you're helping them get a high impact result for themselves. And so you can make a high income result in a way that's sustainable. And then from there, it just goes into planning out what you would do when and this is where you do get granular to say, OK, here's what I'm going to do at these different times.


Here's what my schedule is going to look like. And again, it might not be there yet. As we talked about earlier, I might have to first look at my existing schedule and then go to my where I want it to be and say where I want it to be. I'm going to make this one change per month. And then next month I'm going to change another hour next month then. And change another hour. And then after that, you just start tracking your projects and the income, your costs and what they've cost, the things you're able to eliminate, the things you able to delegate and then check in to see what's working, what's not working, and what do you need to do about that?


So, again, the majority of the work is being done in this fourth step, the do it again. So the see, it is maybe five percent of the time of this process. It's awesome. It's exciting. It gets you really excited another 15 percent or 16 percent of this. So it's like almost like four percent, 16 percent. And then 80 percent, 80 percent of it down here is the work doing it, learning, implementing and then checking back in on a regular basis to see what's working for you.


But most of the things that are powerful, whether it's Michael Hyatt's work or Tony Robbins or Wayne Dyer or Deepak Chopra or Arianna Huffington or any of these people, it's simple things that they're executing consistently and doing well. So this is about you having a roadmap to understand how can I get there? And so I'm not quite so concerned that you get there yesterday as I am concerned that you have a game plan of how you can make that happen. I want to just thank all of our speakers who showed up all that they've given and contributed to you, please support them, follow what they're doing, let them know you saw them at the event and you heard from them and all of them.


They're helpful people. There are people who serve. You see what you can do to to learn from them and learn more about their work. Reminder, you can always have people still join to get the recorded part of this and the follow ups at three days club live dot com. And once you're in the online site, you can invite people and if you invite people, you will get fabulous prizes. Thanks again to our sponsor Podfest for Andrew and Chris and the whole community for making this possible.


Roughly half of the speakers today were from Podfest. And then thank you for Alex and PodMatch for sharing what you've done, because that's also part of where more of our people have come from. And then just two other quick things. No. One, remember you have and or at least you hopefully you have. You might not have it. There's the workbook. So if you don't have the workbook, it's in the online site. And basically all the way through all the things we've done today that I've done, all the exercises, you can go through them at your pace whenever you want.


You have some of the questions for the people that put them in there. A lot of information and content in there to help you implement that. Thank you for coming out. For those you all who shared some Wade Galt been here all day. Danny Al Mega, man, thanks for being here the whole day. Thank you so much for coming out to all the speakers. Catherine, I know you're still on different people, everybody else who supported what we're doing so grateful for.


What will we have done for those who've been here? Simply listening. Thank you for participating, doing what you're doing. This has been very enjoyable. Please let me know whatever I can do to help you again inside the community. You can reach out there. If you're not certain, just send an email or text me. Thank you for what you all have been doing and contributing. This is a group of people. Alex, thanks so much for doing what you're doing.


Definitely check out what he's doing. And even if you're not into a podcast, check out his energy, creating your own podcast. Yet check out is creating a brand podcast. See what he's up to. A lot of great wisdom on there from from awesome people. And dude, man, thank you so much for coming out. Thank you for for sharing. Thank you for supporting Alex. Thank you. Everybody else. If you have any questions, let me know.


And again will be here. I'll be here all week, will be here next week again following up on this. And then there are other things I offer, like individual coaching and whatnot. If you support anybody, whether it's PodMatch, Podfest, any other speakers, if you invest in something of theirs, I'll be giving you one year of the content to all of the premium programs I have other than, let's say, any private coach, any of the group programs, just because, again, want to support each other.


I think you noticed people weren't here like, hey, buy my stuff, buy my stuff. They're just here looking to serve. And by the way, Alex, you're your black table with a black background and zoom because I see both you and I is tripping me out. It looks like your hands are about to come out. When you put them down here on the bottom of your screen, it looks like they're going to come out of the screen.


That's exactly like it looks kind of 3D, I think you should add.


Alex Mann. No, just again, it's what everyone has said, Wade, you do such a good job. And this is a phenomenal like this is your first time doing an event like this even. And it's just done executed well. The communication on the back and that people can't see is really good with with me as a speaker. Great job and really honored to be here. I'm so thankful that you gave me the opportunity and really excited for the next one.


At the very least, I'll be attending it. But you've done some great work here. So thank you for the for just making this happen today, man.


All right. Thanks so much, man, everybody, for coming out. Thank you for all the participation, the chat, all the comments for sticking with us. And again, I've said this before. We're not superheroes for regular people. We're happy to help. Please reach out to us. Don't do that whole thing. Well, you know, they were on a stage of this not I'm not actually standing on stage. I'm sitting on a chair.


We're regular people. More than happy to help you, but thank you for coming out. And as I always say, I look forward to helping you all help more people and make more money and less time. Do what you do best so you can better enjoy your family, your friends, your life. Thank you so much for coming out. I hope you have an awesome week and look forward to seeing your soon. Take care, everybody.


Wade GaltProfile Photo

Wade Galt

Author, Podcast Host & 3-Day Weekend Coach for Entrepreneurs & Employees


With over 30 years of experience working with entrepreneurs, I teach fundamentally sound strategies to help people Make More Money… In Less Time… Doing What They Do Best.
• I help Employees, Entrepreneurs & Business Owners create a sustainable 3-Day Weekend lifestyle.
• Insurance Agency Owners follow my strategies for sales process implementation plus recruiting & accountability enforcement.
• I've been a successful software company founder and owner for over 20 years.

I help people connect with the divinity within, so they can
1. Receive Guidance and Support from the Divine to Create the Life They Most Desire
2. Love Themselves the Way the Divine Loves Us
3. Love Others the Way the Divine Loves Us

I've led retreats and personal growth workshops, authored numerous books on spirituality, personal growth, finance, parenting, business growth & more.

Pulling from 15 years' experience as a productive employee and over 15 years as a software company founder & owner, corporate consultant, sales process implementation coach, accountability expert, recruiter of superstar talent, provider of mental health counseling (psychology) services, life coach and 3-day weekend entrepreneur - I teach others to create the life they most desire personally & professionally.

As a former Fortune 50 corporation software project leader and sales & management trainer, I've been a lifestyle solopre… Read More