Get the 3-Day Weekend Entrepreneur's Book of Wisdom & Learn a Simple Path to a Better Life
Jan. 28, 2021

075 - Increase Your Sales By Providing White Glove Service with Jas Takhar

Learn how you can “Serve to Sell” by providing world class service to your clients (and employees) and building long-term relationships that are profitable for decades.

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The 3-Day Weekend Entrepreneur

Learn how you can “Serve to Sell” by providing world class service to your clients (and employees) and building long-term relationships that are profitable for decades.


Some of the highlights include:

  • Doing your top 3% best work.
  • Why you need to leave money on the table to scale your business.
  • How to grow your network from 200 people to 40,000 people.
  • Have the confidence to know that one transaction does not change your life.
  • Focus on purpose first, and the money will follow.
  • The best strategy to grow is giving without expecting in return.
  • How to handle clients when they’re not getting what they want.
  • How to know when a team member / employee relationship needs to change.
  • What to do when you can’t meet a client expectations.
  • How do use your content as a filter for the people who might want to work with you.
  • Why you should just help clients with your content.



Toronto native, Jas Takhar, has been in the sales and service industry for over 25 years. Soon after deciding to try his hand in real estate, he co-founded the REC, and in the course of 15 years, has successfully propelled his team to the 1st place position in Canada under Royal LePage.



  • LinkedIn
  • And in his Text Community 647-372-0126 








Welcome, everybody, today. I'm really excited to have Jas Takhar, a Toronto native and somebody who I think you're going to find there's a lot you can learn from because he's one of the people I've met that seems to have a really good grasp on not only how to create material abundance and be successful, but how to enjoy that process.


And so everybody's got their own way of doing things. And we're going to talk a little bit about making sure you do things your way. So even though I talk about 4-Day Work Week, there's different ways you can do it. Sort of the main driving thrust behind this is to have fun, do it your own way. And Jas has been in sales and service industry for over twenty five years. And after he decided to try his hand in real estate, he co-founded the REC and the course of 15 years he successfully propelled his team in the first place position in Canada under Royal LePage.


And just from talking with them, his energy's real gosh, I've just met him. But everything I can tell the guys real deal and just love talk to them. So welcome. Thanks so much for coming out today, Jas.


I appreciate you having me Wade. And I truly want to bring as much value as I possibly can to your viewers and listeners. But before we even get started, I wanted to congratulate you, man. I know how hard it is to put out content. And as I've been the last, I would say, 10 months, I've been on like fifty five, fifty six podcasts and numerous YouTube videos. And anyone who's putting out content, like I always have to start off by saying, like, A, congratulations and B, thank you, because we need more people putting out positive and good vibes out there, because I think, as I always say, like attracts like and I guess that's why you and I are doing this together and I'm very excited to be on.


Awesome. Thank you so much. So first thing you know, everyone involved I'll get a guess that is connected would mean a look what they're doing. Wow. So when you all get a chance, definitely check out Jas Takhar NCEA to see what he's doing. That's Jas Takhar. That's so much of what you're doing. Really impressed with what you're up to. So right back at you times ten or one hundred or whatever is for doing so that that's awesome.


And one of the things the biggest sense I got from talking with you when we did the interview was that you truly seem to be to me, one of those people that has experienced enough success that well, first of all, you've worked for it. You don't take it for granted. You still want more, and yet you're happy. And for me, that's an odd combination. Usually I've met plenty of people that are obsessed with it and are never happy.


I've met plenty of people who have some success, like, OK, that was born, I'm going to do something else. But it's rare. You find someone who says, I want to keep doing this and I want to keep contributing and I want to make a difference. And when you and I talked a little bit about I remember even just talking about the difference between, you know, even the temperament of you and one of your brothers, you know, being slightly different from the other brother.


You guys being on slightly different paths, yet all being happy. Maybe just share a little bit about your story, your family, your parents and your upbringing, because I think that will give people a perspective to where you're coming from. And that's so much of what engaged me when I when I first started talking with you.


Yeah, look, I see it a lot now, Wade that I won the lottery a few times over.


And I'm not talking about the Powerball and the lotto six or nine.


I'm talking about really the lottery of life. My parents both still together, both still alive, came to Canada back in nineteen seventy four. And my father was a taxi driver pretty much his life. My mother worked in a factory pretty much our whole life. And so at a very young age I, I saw first hand work ethic. Right. Like my father being a taxi driver was his shift was like twenty four hours on twenty two hours to be exact one day and then the next day was pretty much him sleeping and resting.


So one day on. One day off. Right. I'm still making a lot of time for us, but it's not like he was there for soccer games and basketball games. And even now, like thirty years later, I never look back at that and I'm not saddened by it. I understood it. Funny enough, I just I just got it. Like, I knew what he was doing was working, putting away as much money as they possibly can.


So I also learned how to pinch pennies at a very young age, which has helped me in business. And I have two older brothers who are it's always a healthy reminder, right, that you're closer to their two older brothers. So it's a healthy reminder that you're closer to the bottom than you are to the top. They've they've they really mentored me. One of the brothers at about five years older than me. He really was kind of my the guy who disciplined my father.


As I mentioned, my mother was. And so he's the one who discipline me. He kind of went down a path that wasn't positive, definitely a different man. Now, he had two girls as a son as well, but the girls really changed his life. And just growing up, I always knew that I that I was probably going to be doing something in the sales and service industry. Why? Because even at the age of six, seven first had to put up his hand with the teachers who wanted to help with the book sale or who wanted to sell the ornaments door to door and really even celebrate Christmas.


But I was like, I got a chance. It's probably easier now to say because looking back, it was probably a way to get out of class or do some projects. It was anything not to sit there in a chair and learn like in that setting anyways. And then and then 12 years old, 13 years old is when it really hit home for me because it was the first time I got a paper route and I got paid to knock on those doors to build again.


Looking back, I can say I was building relationships. I was knocking on doors and trying to build rapport. I learned really quickly, like, OK, I knocked on doors. Those didn't go well. The 11th door I'm trying to pick up on something as I'm walking to the door, like maybe the color of someone's car, the flowers, something that when they opened the door, I can I can change their their state, make them smile because who likes being you flex their door knocked at six thirty or seven o'clock in the evening.


Right. But I try to build some type of rapport that connection. And then I went into like shoe sales and banking and car sales. And as you mentioned, real estate for me now has been 15 years. And that's where I like as I sit here now with a team of thirty seven realtors, 10 support staff, we help a little over seven hundred buyers, sellers and investors. I do want more. I want I want to be the number one and team in Canada right across all the brands.


Right now, we're number one team under the Canada's largest franchise. And I'm not saying this. We are telling people this because I want to impress them. It's really to to to showcase the drive that I do have. You know, you use the word obsession. There is definitely an obsession, but it's it's Wade to like now watching my my direct reports, then becoming leaders like it's so fun to see sitting with Tyler and Laura, who are two of my directors, one director of real estate consumer services, another director of sales and marketing.


And they have people that are reporting to them now, like I'm kind of out of it. Right. It's nice to see because I was a little scared. Like when they become the ones that are, quote unquote off the bosses or the leaders, are they going to change who they were like all that time that I spent? Are they going to are they going to do it the way that I was doing? I'm not talking about a hundred percent, but at least some aspects of it.


It's so refreshing to see, like they didn't change. They're still the same people. And that's fun to see now, like as a leader to develop other leaders. I'm really addicted to that now.


Well, that and that's maybe that's you just nailed. That's what it was, because that was like I said, there was something that to me when I spoke to you that was more than just, OK, the guy successful real estate, because that's and that's not to discredit that. Obviously, you've worked hard for that. But there are people that have that. And then when you say, OK, I want to introduce this person to my audience, hey, do something like this guy's doing so well, OK?


I'm not sure. And that was the thing now. And you said a different way. Is you excited about helping other people become leaders, excited about helping other people grow, excited about helping other people succeed and.


You know, this is something where I invite the people in my audience to take in a few different things from this, because sometimes, again, as somebody who you know, I use the word 4-Day Work Week just to simply mean work, life, harmony, doing what you want to do. There is no judgment. There's no magic number for it might be three. Might be six. It might be whatever, as long as you're getting to do what makes you happy.


But of course, that's a that's a phrase that people kind of resonate with. If I was a weekend, people would think bungee jumping and Red Bull. So I've got to go. Everything's got its own thing.


But one of the things that.


There's a few people that have this, and from what I can tell you have this is there's this genuine sense of enjoying the process of watching people experience either great service or great sales, where there's actually the same way if you watch your child enjoy something, you kind of experience it vicariously through them. And that's something that I think I mean, where does that come from for you? Is that love? Is that just excellence or what makes you want to help other people do better or be better?


What do you think drives that for you?


Well, to that point, it's I think it's because my my cup got filled a long time ago. And I am so, again, talking about winning the lottery in so many different aspects. My father, mother worked very hard, but till this day, we still kiss, but I can get goosebumps kind of thinking about it as a as a child. My dad coming into my bed, my mom coming into my bed and kissing me sometimes like I get out of here.


I don't want this anymore. But it's like they did this at a very young age, lots of hugs. And now, like, they think you saw my report card and some I didn't let them see, but most of them they saw he probably knew, OK, we're not going to have a doctor, engineer, lawyer.


I mean, that's kind of one of the three that you you want your kids to be is that doctor, lawyer, engineer. And pretty much in that order as well, I think I've never even spoken to them about it, but I know they knew. However, they never told me that I wasn't good enough. Like those words never got out of their mouth. They actually told me the exact opposite. You'll figure it out. You're good. Don't worry, be a kind person.


And so for me, because my cup got filled at a very young age and it continuously it and then I started to get results in actually sales, I, I now I want other people to, to enjoy that. We're talking off air. Just before we started Wade what happened is that we had our Canadian Thanksgiving and a couple of days ago actually yesterday sorry. And I still came in like I still came in and my mind my director still came in.


Why. Because it was like, OK, like we had a couple of days off. We want to get we want to keep the momentum going. We didn't go for our regular eight, nine, ten hours a day. We came in for four hours. We had a complete brainstorming session. Now, I never said you guys have to come in. I told them, hey, I'm going to be in I need the quiet space. I wanted to have the quiet space.


But once they said that they were interested in coming, I was like, let's go. Let's all let's all do this together. And that comes from really enjoying the process because there is so many ups and downs and sales and entrepreneurship running your own business that if you don't like it, you can have a tough time sustaining success and sustaining the results. And so, look, if if if you're not excited in the morning and you spring out of bed and you have a hard time going to sleep, I want people to find whatever it is.


Right. So I told my salespeople all the time, like, if you're not excited about this business or to a real estate investor almost on every phone call, I end off the phone call when we're like once they actually moved on an opportunity like Wade the investors. You're not excited about this. Let's not do this like this is this shouldn't be a conversation about me trying to push you over the fence, so to speak. I want you so excited that you can't wait to get another one.


And if you're a sales person in my organization, it's like if this doesn't excite you every single day, we just think you should do something else. Like Life is short.


I wanted in life is also long on the other end in terms of like we've got a lot of time. I'm thirty eight years old now. I got at least I'm thinking knock on wood. I got another fifty years of this energy coming at it every single day. If that the second Wade I like. I'm not happy to come in here because I don't want to see Stephen's face or Laura's face or Tyler's face. Our troops face like I'm done.


I'm going to shift, I'm going to go do something else. It's the exact same thing that happened when I was in car sales. Exact same thing happened when I was working at the bank. It was like a day or two of not feeling well, like that pit in my stomach, like, oh, I'm not enjoying this. Within that week, I left and I moved on to something else because I truly am chasing happiness all the time with continuous happiness.


And and so I think that's why I also attract a lot of it as well. That's awesome.


That's something I remember I heard Deepak Chopra say years ago you'd say trust your soul's desire to a lot of people get caught up in judging, like, OK, well, you know, oh, why do you leave that job?


You reckless. You just like all these voices. And I can think of one of the jobs I left and I have a master's in psychology. So the symptoms I had you would call a panic attack, but I'd been having them for about two or three months. I had scheduled ahead of time that I was leaving the job and I've been having them kind of I just like a little shortness of breath, like I knew it was time for me to move on.


And this is the other part. Nothing wrong with the company I worked with. Still love the people. So this was not a oh, it's you. It's you did something bad. All good.


But it was it was just time for me to move on and do something different with all the love in my heart and what you said to about doing things well and doing things a certain way and being passionate about them and not getting caught up in the definitions. So many people are getting caught up in the definitions of what it's supposed to look like. And you've got to remind people, look, there's a certain way I do unrealism. There's a certain way I do.


Parenting doesn't mean I'm right. It works for me. And based on what I can tell, it seems to be good for my style. But I think there's something a lot of people see. And I hear Gary V talked about this. A lot of you know, so many people think that they. I want to be an entrepreneur. It's kind of like the new firefighter or the new NBA star. So now being an entrepreneur really can can be really difficult at times.


And so if you're not if you don't enjoy it to a lot of people, it's like, well, get this sucks. It's horrible. Do you like do you like the challenge? Well, no, I really don't like the challenge. I want something studied with an entrepreneur. That's that's not what that is. No.


For sure. Like I mean, it's tough, right. To to have that final decision kind of lie on you at the end of the day. Like I mean, the staff that I have there, I wouldn't want to do this right now in my life with anyone else other than the people that I have around me. But at the end of the day, they are all going to get paid, right. They know if something doesn't go wrong, they can all look at me.


You know, especially the crew that I like is with me on a day to day basis where myself, I always have to look at like at the end of the day, I, I only have myself to blame. And so people get into this, like, this is going to be the best. I'm going to be my own. I'm going to be my own boss. But then you realize that boss is not someone that you want to work for yourself.


Right. And so I look, there's nothing wrong with trying it. Test it out, see what you like, see what you don't like, like a buffet. I mean, I always use that example. Take a little bit, try a little bit, see what you like, then go back for seconds. And that's really like trying to find your passion for me. That's I go again really, really blessed that I kind of knew from a young age.


But I come across a lot of people that just haven't figured it out, you know, but you've got to try and enough things to get an idea what you like and what you don't like.


Yeah, somebody said I'm going to tie in two points and let you run with this if you want. So when you and I talked at a time, we said we're going to talk about how you increase sales by creating great customer service. And I definitely want to get to that. What I'm sensing that that to me that was the core of this is you're enjoying this whole process and there's not a math to it. There's not a formula to it.


You're present with this and you're looking to, of course, provide service to a certain level.


Obviously, there's certain things of repetitive processes, you know, soapies that we set up to, OK, this works.


We're going to keep doing that. But there's also this sense of newness and discovery. And, hey, I wonder how this will work out.


How do you balance doing that with as you're starting, as you said, share responsibilities with people where, you know, there's that little voice, as the entrepreneur says, OK, I actually want it done exactly the way I do it.


You do it your way, but you're kind of thinking, yeah, but I still do it the best. What's it like and what does it feel? I can imagine you've had this happen because I've had this happen and it's one of the coolest feelings. And yet it's humbling when you say someone could go do this and you actually pull off the reins a little bit and they do it better than you did. What's that feel like to show about that?


Because that's something I think I don't get. Yeah, and they have a hard time with.


Yeah. So I think the one like three percent of things, I'm really good at ninety seven percent and things like I am very self aware, I suck, I like I have a bunch of shelves behind me here, like I could not have put any of these shelves up myself. I mean you do not want to. Hambrick jazzes. That's just not what I, I'm not good at that. And so I've always needed people around me. I like to delegate a lot and I'm just OK with the result.


Like if somebody move the needle in what we're looking into doing even slightly, to me, it's a it's a win because by me doing it myself, that now is not allowing me to come up with new ideas, even execute or even do a podcast like this. As I'm doing the podcast, I have six, seven team members that are seeing my in my vision right now. They're all working on something some very like they're doing it together or they're doing something individually to move the needle in our business, content creation, more sales, more relationships.


So when I see look, I mean, I get started by the day with the day knowing that whatever I delegate and chances are they're doing it way better than I could ever do. Now, the one or two things that it did take me a little while to get used to is actually sales like actually selling that, because that's my core expertise. That's like letting that go was tough at the start. But now it's the only way that I can scale out.


Right. Like I have other ideas that I want to start implementing other than just real estate sales. And so I've had to let that go. And the number one number one piece of advice that I can give someone to scale is that you need to leave money on the table and just be OK with it. You have to be OK to leave money on the table because you've got to pay somebody to do whatever you need to get done. And I got interns who are unpaid interns that want to be around the culture and the environment.


That's not going to last long. I've been I've had interns around me for the last three years on a regular basis. They don't like you got to pay them at some point, especially the ones that that you want to have around full time. And so you have. The money on the table, I think that's what people get stuck in. There's a lot of people getting stuck. I don't want to let go, but I actually think it comes from I don't want to let go the money.


I can do it myself. Why am I going to pay a look to do that for me? What you don't realize is what are you what's the opportunity cost with you not letting something go?


And I think that's so because I like the you work because a lot of people talk opportunity cost. And to a lot of people, that's an intangible thing.


They get it. But it's kind of out here and, you know, opportunity cost could be good to spend time with your family and kids. Opportunity costs could happen. You could have started another business. You could have gone to a spiritual retreat like there's it could be anything.


One of the things I find when I met my worst, I do have that formal voice like, well, what did I miss out on? I did this and I did that. Well, that's life.


You married Susie, not Betty. You you know, you decided to be a soccer player, not a baseball player. Whatever it is, there's by definition, other than alternate universes, you make one choice. It by necessity, you know, turns off another. I think some of the best entrepreneurs I've seen, I think of my brother. I think of my father and.


They almost do this mind trick with us, so I couldn't have done other stuff and and some were they actually know they could have. I actually do. Come on. You can do stuff, but they almost did. But nobody that's kind of like what I tell myself because I can't allow that voice, because if I let it if I give that voice to the stage, it'll grab the mic. It'll be on the stage. Although, you know, this could happen.


And like you said, in the money on the table, my gosh, you're going to leave money on the table. It's like when people say you're going to babysit a kid. Right? Right. We'll be back in four hours or five hours. Right. That you come back. Oh, well, you know, you didn't do this to me. You got your kid back. Everything's good. You went out. You did what you wanted.


And you're actually going to gripe about, well, you know, they gave them, I don't know, the Honey Nut Cheerios, not the whole grain cereals like chipwich.


Yeah. I mean, I think I think we dwell on it too much. Right. Like what decision you could have made. But I'm here to tell anybody who's watching or listening right now if you want more. And that might include what you said we'd like. It might be that you want to spend more time with your family. So you have to give the cutting of the grass and the shoveling of the snow to somebody else to do now. If you enjoy that, you know, shout out to my one of my older brothers, who I think it comes at four or five houses, a grass around him, and he does it for free, doesn't charge anyone.


He just loves it as a beer. Has a head start on audiobooks. What a podcast, whatever he's doing. But he enjoys it. I read it. I do not want to touch the ground. I'll do anything but actually cut the grass and shovel the snow. Now, I. I replaced that time that I got back with my 80 percent of the time it's on here. I'm doing a podcast, I'm on the phone building relationship. The other 20 or 30 percent, whatever it may be, I'm spending it with my family.


Or if it's just me, I'm doing nothing. I'm lying down and I'm resting. But there's no way I'm going to cut the grass or shovel the snow unless, like, I had to do it. So you get to buy yourself some extra time. And look, if you're especially if, you know, use round numbers, if you make call it 50 dollars an hour. Right. And you can pay somebody to do a twenty dollar an hour job, you're still getting 30 bucks an hour like you still see.


You've got to really think it through. Right. And so to me, I had to be a delegator, as I mention, because there's a majority of stuff I can't do on my own. So I feel very lucky about that because I don't waste a lot of time trying to do things. I only as much as I can, as much as I can. I stay in a state of happiness doing things that make me happy because, like, I just don't see any other way.


Why would I want to do something that doesn't make me happy?


That's great. I think that that's a perfect segue. Where to start going into more of the providing great customer service. Because, again, I see I and I, I work with a lot of entrepreneurs on how they compensate their team members. I have a software that relates to that. And if you want to learn about how people see the world, look at how they compensate their team members in the sense of we just had a great year, what do we do with that?


And some of them are like, dude, we just had a great year or we might have a great year. Let's give them more opportunities. Let's and not not charity, but like, hey, let's hang some more carrots at this level, at that level or whatever is let's let's find a way that we can recognize and whether it's with money paid time off, whatever, let's find a way that we can create opportunity for them. And then you see some people that they just don't like what they're doing.


And so then it just turns into they they they the employees, they and and and literally so much it becomes will.


They're this they're not of my level. OK, first of all, if you're going to be the owner at a certain level, entrepreneurially speaking not as a quality human, but as an entrepreneur, by definition, the people that you hire to be employees, even if they're on their way up, are currently at not the same level as you. That's otherwise they wouldn't be your employee, this whole resentment with the system. And so when it comes to customer service, you just see this like, oh, there's a client on the phone, Toyota.


Yeah, he's been with me twenty years is a pain in the ass when he's been with you twenty years. Yeah. And you resent that. So how does it for you, you're you talk about wanting or doing your best to be in a joyful state. How does that carry over to how you create fellow additional leaders and then also how you provide customer service? And I think the biggest test is how the people who work with you or for you then do that the same way a child watches the parents and does their best.


How does that how does that become contagious in your thought?


Like, I probably spend 60 percent of my day just in and around my team and the staff that's with me making sure that they're right. What do I mean by that? That, A, that they're in a good state? Is that every single day? No, but I'm going to say as close as ninety five percent of the time any of my team members are around or just in a very positive state, we have a lot of fun in the culture that I think that I started was of fun.


Let's enjoy what we do. And if you don't enjoy what you do, that's OK. Like, well, I'll find something else for you. Get on the bus and we'll find you a seat or I'm going to try my best to do it. I mean, I can't promise the world to you. Right. And what I what I came to learn over the last three years, three and a half years, it's not always money for people, you know, like for for for for Tyler, for example.


I've been with me for six, seven years. At the start, it was my younger guy. Twenty two years old. Twenty three years old. When he came with me I was twenty eight, twenty nine married has a kid up for him. It was about at one point he transitioned and said, I don't want the money, I just want a nine to five gig. I want to do it from the office. I don't want to leave because he was a sales guy out and about twelve hours all that.


And now I just want to just make some phone calls, get home and and and get that time with my family. So I was able to reverse engineer a role for him. OK, I have a nineteen year old, a twenty year old now phenom, I call him my phenom. He wants to put in twenty hours a day and I got to pull that back because I know that's not going to you know, I got to be careful with him because.


He's excited and he's passionate. I'm trying to teach him that this is a marathon, it's not a sprint. And so he's different. I have Laura, my director of sales and marketing. She's very smart, educated. She got the money for her at the start. It was like, I want to show my value. And she wanted to make sure that she got compensated for value. Now it's about can I do other things? Can I grow other things?


Can I start other things? So I'm always trying to keep her motivated with trying different things. She might have a bad day. I need to get her a burger. I kind of know my team. I know Tyler day off. Just give him a day off. Get them away from phone calls. Stephen, my, my, my creative director. Don't talk to him majority of the day. Not because he's he's he's a rude guy. He's a sweetheart of a guy.


But that's how he works. He works really, really well with his headsets on, music on. And we can maybe first thing in the morning, him and I talk for ten, fifteen minutes through just some ideas about each other. And then like I see him across the hall right now, he has his headsets on. He's telling he's doing his thing. So I first wanted to build it from the ground up, meaning my staff, I want them.


And the most positive, optimistic state of mind before the day gets started. Why? Because my staff is taking care of they will take care of my clients, but it's employees first, like staff first hands down. OK, then when I think about clients and my client business, because I've been doing sales and service Wade for twenty five years. I know. And it doesn't take a genius. Anybody listening to your podcast knows that the the, the best way to build a business is through word of mouth build sales organization is through word of mouth.


I just spend a lot of time on providing white glove service to my clients in the real estate industry. Not that it's foreign. I mean, a lot of other firms do it. I like to think that we are in the pursuit of perfection, knowing that we're not going to hit perfection. We're on our way there. We're always trying to find new ways to not only meet clients expectations, but to exceed them. Right. And so we want to think of high level providing world class service.


We then want to think of exceeding clients expectations. How do you exceed client people's expectations in general? Ask them what they are and then exceed them. And so so the old adage of under promising and over delivering is something we really take to heart here will pick up checks for people. Doesn't matter where they are in the city, in the province, just to remove the friction in the process of buying. And and I don't think I'm that good in sales person like selling stuff.


I think what I found a nation is making it easy for people to buy. And I'm not trying to have a play on words there. It really is that. It's just like how do I remove the friction in the process of this transaction and to succeeded it? How do I possibly in the time frame that we're together, it might be three months, it might be six months, it might be two days. Some of our investment opportunities take that.


It only takes forty eight hours to get it done. How can I exceed also your expectations? And so you remove the friction in your life because you might be having a hard day Wade the investor. Let me try to take some workload off of your life. And then third is is thinking long term. And so I'm always thinking long term in my business because I need to make sure whatever world class service I'm providing, i.e. we offer real estate, consider service at no cost, meaning we'll find service providers, plumbers, electricians right across the country at no cost.


Before we actually launch that, I have to make sure it was sustainable for me personally and my business first and foremost, because if it's not, it's not going to last long for the client. So it doesn't make sense. And then you're always thinking long term what from the client's perspective, which is, look, Wade, this is not a good time for you to to to to invest. And I have probably one hundred clients right now that would purchase another type of investment strategy with me right now if I call them.


But I've actually held them back to say you can't buy any more because you have too much in the future bucket, meaning it's too much speculation and therefore they like, what the heck are you talking about? Just we want to buy more. Why are you telling us? Not more. I'm like, no, no. You can invest in real estate, but not in this strategy. Right. And so you're always thinking long term. Why? Because do not cut off.


The golden goose is ahead to get all the golden eggs. It will continue the lay that your client base, your your your your database, what we call our insiders, they will introduce you to more people over and over again. And it is the the cheapest way to build a business is through word of mouth.


We yeah. That's the thing that people don't see. And I guess I see it. My father's Insurance and so. Just the quintessential residual in commodities here, and everything is about at least a five year client earning less than a five year client, and you're really in that industry, you're not doing a good job.


You're talking about 10 year client, 20 year clients. And just what you said about removing the friction. One of my mentors used to say, you know, you got to make it easier for people to say, yes, just just easier.


And again, it was little things like you say, it was not persuasion, because then that comes across very close, as you know, where you come in from, why you come at me, why are you trying something sales and for gosh, if anybody's not realizing I mean, OK, I'm forty nine, I'm a little bit older than you, but most of the stuff, especially if you're talking to people who are in banking, insurance and real estate, those three industries invented all the sales were tracks all the time if you're tomorrow or this or that or all this other stuff.


And hey, I have to give you ask you a question that sounds idiotic. So you're going to say yes to and then you're going to say yes to. I'm going to implement momentum then to close.


It's like, dude, come on, man. It doesn't work in the dating world with the gal you want to marry, it might work with other people. It doesn't work. It's just such a short term. It's a hack in the truest sense of the word. It's not a strategy. It's not a fundamental. But going back to what I like that you're saying that's so true is if you're building that database with those relationships, if and when you decide to shift and people get so fearful, a Wade, I don't like this industry right now.


Yeah, well, serve the people are in front of because even more so when you decide to shift and then say, how long are you looking leave. Oh I've been looking for five years. Wow. You just left. Yeah. Well you've, you've done me right for the last five years. Yes. Because I said I would. That's character. And then when you go to your next deal shocker. It's not a big deal. I know you know this.


So few people that deliver with who they're in front of and then they're are looking to the next person like, no, you get to that next person I delivering.


I don't I always talk about that. The average person knows probably about two hundred people or two hundred people that knows two hundred people. I know two hundred people. Your network now is forty thousand people. So next time you speak with somebody first for anybody who's watching and listening right now, think about all the people that that person knows. And, and, and now because you're thinking about it from a long term perspective, you probably won't be so transactional in your head space.


Like, how do I get this deal done? How do I close Wade right now? It's like, no, how do I open more doors and open? How do I get to a place where Wade opens up more doors for me and opportunities for me? And you're a lot of the time. A lot of the time you'll have to tell Wade that is not the right time to buy because it might not be the right time to buy yet.


Yes, he will respect you more. He's going to want to introduce you to more business and he's going to come back because he's going to he's going to have built that relationship. So for me, it's all relationship building. It's not about the one transaction because one transaction now just won't change the course of my life. And like, it just does not change the course of my life. I mean, real estate's a high ticket, don't get me wrong from a commissions perspective.


But even then, the one deal just does not change the course of my life. What will is Wade network? Because now that's going to feed the rest of my life. I, I was in the car business twenty, eighteen, nineteen years ago. I started in the car business nineteen years ago. I was there for three years and then I still have people who bought cars for me Wade that buy real estate from. Right. And that happens because they know it took care of them.


Look, if I say real estate and just say in real estate sales for the rest of my life, I have a feeling my two little boys, seven, and for now almost five, they can take my book of business if they want it because the relationships are so strong. More importantly, if I decide to start in the music business and start selling my books and that's the business I'm in, I have a feeling my little under ten thousand people that I stay in constant communication with on a couple of times a month, I have a feeling 10 of them will probably introduce me with somebody that they know that needs to buy my books.


Like that's how for me, that's how I built it. That's how I'm building it. And really it really was from the ground up. And that's what excites me, man. Like, I love meeting new people that coming to our world that's never heard of us before. But damn do I ever like like I think my favorite part is when Wade tells a Joe Blow and Joe Blow tells Baby Jane and and then all four of us, obviously not now, but we can all go for dinner and we just talk.


How do you know this person? How do you know that person? And they've all done business with me.


Yeah, that's awesome. That is awesome. Yeah. I, I really love your perspective and your energy and excitement about it.


I think that's something that can be so easily lost and.


Again, just having met you, but seen your attitude towards it seems to me like you've dialed in what that three percent is because that you should be doing because as somebody who's at different times had employees not and not had employees been an employee there, certain trade offs. At one stage of my life, I was really growing my business aggressively, had more team members that I want more of a OK, want some time. And that's how I chose I wanted to do it.


And then now my kids are 14, 11, so I'm getting to spend more time, you know. So now, even though it's four days, it's more like it used to be four sevens or four. Eight point four nines are for tens.


And I'm enjoying that. But to your point, I'm doing it the way usually I get to choose to, and it's allowing me and it's not even the word pivot.


It's more just expand my horizons or get better at certain things about you when you get that, like when you have some free time.


I'm sure those three other days, you're probably more creative. You sharpen your saw. Right. For me, I think I just I love this so much and I'm like, I can't I'm so excited to take this to new heights and do other things that I'm working on that for me that is my hobby. Like sometimes when I go on vacation for ten days, which is rare, but there have been times, you know, maybe eight to ten days.


The first couple of days I'm full of anxiety and like I'm so anxious I don't know what to do with myself and I can't go anywhere like I need to work. That's what I like working at.


Probably the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in this sense because it's exactly what my both my parents did. So I saw that. And look, I mean, my kids are, as I mentioned, or seven in almost five. I'm finding Hack's now. Right. I'm in the process of figuring out like, OK, like my seven year old, for example, like. I can take them to a Raptors game and get them from court tickets, and it's not going to make it's not going to be a dent in my bank account.


It's not going to be a big deal for me to do that. I'm able to do that because of the time that I put in, like my father was never there for my soccer in London. Take me to a game like that, even if I'm able to offer and what my kids are going to have available to them, it's just a little bit better now. Like they go on many short trips. We spend more time together on and in nicer places.


And then and I think they get better experiences. Like my father taking us to McDonald's was the best looking for work like, no, not a word of a lie. They're like the best experience I had when my parents were going to McDonald's to get a happy meal. Right. And but that meant a lot. I mean, that was hard for my parents to do because we ate at home every single day so that McDonald's once a month or whatever it was that my parents got me, it was it was very special.


Right now, some of these experiences I'm having with my kids are just a little bit of higher level now.


And, you know, the thing I hear, though, too, is you seem to enjoy giving in your working outside of your work. So I remember there's this thing. It's funny. I was working in insurance claims for a company. I was a claims adjuster with people get injured. And I told my mom, OK, I'm tired of this. These people just want money. They're just money focused. I like twenty two at the time. Other said money said, I'm quitting this, I'm going to India to help people because you have to go to India to help people.


You can't be in the United States and help you have to go somewhere else to help you. She goes Wade tell me something.


The people you're working with, what's going on said, well, they've been in an accident. They're injured. So what's their emotional state? Well, they're kind of scared. They think they're going to be done wrong by the insurance company or the lawyer. This that. How are they physically fit? Well, some of them are actually hurt. She goes, and what's it like? I get paid. So great. Get your ass back and then go do your job and you can send a check to India.


You can volunteer on the weekends. And so I think when you find what it is, how you give like I tell people, I give four days to my clients, I give three days to my family myself.


And but there are other similar I mean, I'm a type A guy that's so you know, when I'm at the Wade getting technical fouls, which is not easy to do is the coach, you know, but getting the calls, I got the calls.


The calls started coming in one day. They finally call the calls. But yeah, dude, it's not like I just all of a sudden turn it off. Oh, you know, I'm just choosing to take that into a different arena. And I do a lot of personal growth and stuff. I just kind of for me, because I I'm a smart rat, I can convince myself and. OK, wait, I'll just work Thursday in front for me.


It would bleed over. So I said these things and that's again, that's not a judgment. That's what I need. And in doing that, it allows me then to do that. And then when I started Friday and playing volleyball, no matter what, okay, I'm at the beach. Great. But it's just that's what works for me. But I think all of it to you is what I'm seeing. You know, you and I talked about what are some of the things you think could have been most powerful insights you've learned?


And what you said is that giving without expecting anything in return. Yeah. Is always the best. All right. I'm seeing that in your business a little bit more about that, if you don't mind.


Yeah, look, I mean, for me, I as I mentioned earlier, Wade, I, my cup is filled out, right. And so now I spend a lot of my time wanting to just give to others what I know. That's through the investments I made in real estate. I'm educating people on how they can do it. I actually say in a lot of my content, from an investing perspective, it's nice. People have fifty dollars.


One hundred dollars, five hundred dollars. And if you just get one that changed the course of my life. If I stop that one, that would have been that, that I would have grown my net worth more than if I never bought the one. Right. And so that's, that's, that's the first thing that I like to do a lot of is educate people through real estate. The second thing is, is that I give a lot to my team members.


Right. Anything that I've learned, they're learning through my mistakes as well, because I'm making a lot of them. We start we start a lot of projects here and then we just realize, hey, this is not the right track and nobody really beat each other up. But I'm willing to give the opportunity, especially for my younger people like interns, for for them to use me as a trampoline. I come here. The coaches also learn from some of our older people and more experienced people that are on the team but use us as a trampoline.


And what do I mean by that? Like create content? Put your name on it. I don't want the I don't care for the the lights in that sense. Like especially now I'm on a lot of podcasts, I do a lot of videos, and so I'm out there a lot. And so for me, I mean, I just know that the more that you give, the more that you get now like that's like this is proven. I'm living it.


The more the more leads I give to my team, the more that I'm getting it right. Rather the. Holding it and holding them all for myself. It's like, no, here everyone can eat. Now the pie is big enough and if we ever ran out of pies, we'll just make some more.


That's awesome. Cool. One of the other things that you mentioned that I think really was something that people have a hard time with or they play with, or they sometimes try to strategize it. And I don't think it's necessarily something they strategize and it's something you addresses when a client's uncertain or scared or dissatisfied with what they're getting from you or your team or what you're offering. How do you address that?


Head on, head on? We we ask what the problem is and how we can help. And we it all comes back for us. It comes back to removing the friction. I'll take I'll take a hit on a deal where I was going to make X and now I'm going to lose in the deal. I'm OK with that. Why? Because I just know that the lifetime value of a client you mention and Insurance it's five years for me in real estate.


It's a lot longer than that because the average person now in real estate probably buys a home. I used to be five years. It's closer to seven now. People are just staying in their homes longer. But I do a lot of investing and I help people with investing in real estate. Right. And so the lifetime value of a client is a lot more than the one commission. Right. And so I make sure that, A, we don't have commission breath.


That's a mindset thing around here. We just we don't have the commission breath. We we provide world class service. We try to to to always exceed clients expectations, as I mentioned. But you're not going to get it right with the amount of work. We have over 700 transactions we did last year. I'm not going to sit here and say every single one of them, they were ecstatic. No, they weren't. But we tried our best.


We ask you what? How can we get better? And then next time around, that's exactly what we're pushing for. So we we head on, we deal with our problems head on. Most of the time we just throw money at it anyways. Like it's usually like they weren't happy with the it wasn't done in a timely manner. And so we're just going to next time around, we're going to get a courier to do more things like whatever it takes to to make people smile, to make people say, look, I understand we we I like those problems because I know that there's lots to cover.


And I've always been a strong believer that when the problem comes up with a client, that's your time to shine. You don't like when you go to a restaurant and the waiter or the waitress asks you, like, how was the food? Ninety nine percent of the time people say, oh, it was OK because we don't want that confrontation. Right. That's actually the worst thing that can happen to a restaurant because we know that humans don't want the confrontation.


So they don't tell you that the food wasn't all that. They just want to deal with the repercussions of whatever may be extra time that you're going to speak to the waiter or the waitress, just like you want to move on. So I'm always looking for times where someone, a client, had a problem with us, didn't like the service because that's how we're going to get better. So we use a word here, Chicer, which is a Japanese word for constant never ending improvement.


And and so where I know it's taken. Right, Toyota, I mean, they they really live by it. And so we try we try to do the same thing. We're not perfect, but we are in the pursuit of it.


That's awesome. Yeah. One of the things you said about the restaurant example, things so many people really we haven't I don't even know if I see this sometimes with kids emotional intelligence to even say, hey, I like this part. This one part could have been a little better.


Obviously, if you hated it, you might not see it quite that way. You might you might say I'll try.


I mean, there's different ways to do it. But I think two things. Number one, people are feeling so rush. So some of my knee jerk reaction would be to say, well, people are selfish. No, people feel so rush like I don't have time to get somewhere else in there and they're so not present. And I know that's such a huge deal to to be able to deliver what people tell me this on the flip side, what is it either with a team member or an employee and or a client?


At what point do you know, OK, why club service? They can get it. We just need to move on.


What where's that? Where's that line for you?


We'd say, OK, we've done what we can. It's where you say no. You know what? They're just committed. This client, this team member, they're just committed to not getting it to fighting, to argue whatever. What are the signs look like that? Because sometimes people hear the other sounds great. But I imagine somewhere you have a line. What's that line with a team member?


I mean, if it's if it's a couple of weeks that just coming in with not the right attitude, like any one of my team members on a daily basis, Wade with the second they walk in the way they say my name, the way they say, the way that we all have our own handshakes with each other, I can feel it, you know what I mean? I could feel like something's not right. If that were to continue on for six, seven, eight, nine, 10 days in a row, we're having a conversation because it's just like I like upbeat, upbeat environments and only because we're doing this podcast, there's no music.


And so we like to have a lot of fun around here. So if that lasts for a while, then I know something's going on. Its chances are they're just not happy with the role that they're in. We'll try to reverse engineer them into a different role. And if that doesn't work, then it's just time that we move on just like any other relationship, right? Friendship, relationship. There's sometimes there is a deadline to these things. And I hate to see people go, but a part of me is excited for them because now they're going to be happier, hopefully somewhere else with a client.


It comes up. It comes up more than you would think. I mean, where a client is just no matter what you do, you're not going to forget exceed their expectations. You're not going to meet their expectations.


And so I like to as I mentioned, I like to ask a lot like, hey, what are your expectations? And I try to nip it in the bud right at the start, because if someone says, well, I want to purchase, I want to be able to purchase a home in this area for three hundred thousand dollars, I want to done it in this time. And I want this many, many bedrooms or whatever. Sorry, client.


It's just it can't happen. Let's not work together and all kind of release time. I stay in touch with us, take our information. No problem. You can work with anyone you want. Sometimes we get a little bit further into the into the process of a possible transaction. And and I might hear that that that they're just not happy and I'll just let them go. They look like in life, right. Like I mean, as I mentioned, we don't deal with we deal with unreasonable people.


I tell a client all the time, this is just one of those situations. It's OK. Let's just move on now. Let's not waste each other's time. That's why I love content action. I think the number one, I'd be producing twenty pieces of content daily on all the platforms for the last I would say year, year and a half. Overall, it's been probably closer to two years. And what the biggest shift I found after twenty five years of sales service Wade is that I don't get a lot of people that come into my wheelhouse now that haven't yet got a little taste of right.


And so for that, that, that is why I like content, because now you've got to taste to me. Now you're able to make a decision, if you like, if you if you come meet me at your office and you've seen my content, chances are we're going to get get along because you saw me like, you know, I'm a real estate broker. You know, I help with investments. You know, I don't wear suits.


Not that there's anything wrong with people who wear suits. You're going to see me in a t shirt or sweater. And if you're okay with my color, you know my accent. If I have one, you know that I Wade my hands a lot. I come in with a lot of energy. If you still come see me, chances are we have something in common. And if you didn't, I don't know you anyway. So it doesn't matter.


We didn't waste any one time.


You know, that's that's the biggest thing. And thank you for saying it that way because I try to tell people when they're like, well, I'm not sure I want to do podcasters talk about a friend who's going to be starting one. I said, look, if nothing more said, I want you to get this.


And I heard Pat Flynn said this. He says, look, imagine if you had two hundred people in a room and you were going to present a one hour presentation for them. First of all, how much would that cost if it was an event space? It's going to cost you about five hundred bucks, thousand bucks, whatever it is, you've got to try to get the people there.


So you've got to try to persuade them like this whole thing. As you know, it's not easy to get two hundred people in a room. And he says every time somebody listens to your podcasts or whatever, you're getting there.


And so forget all this hour. If I don't have ten thousand downloads, it sucked.


No, you had you had two hundred people in a room or one hundred people are fifty people. And to your point, on autopilot in the comfort or the convenience of their ears or their YouTube video or whatever. And they are of course, they're very new and they're looking at you. And you said, look, I'm weeding out so many people and for me there's seven and a half or whatever the number is, billion people on the planet. I'm sure there's at least a good billion or two billion that for every good reason want nothing to do with me.


That's OK. I don't even need seven million. I don't even need some thousand. I don't keep it from a client standpoint. I don't need seven thousand. So just that concept of getting really clear to your point, dude, where's why is he wearing these. What's what's that. He's got a white background. Why does he have some fancy thing going on. I don't want it.


I just just all these different things that people pick apart and say, who's going to be happy? The people that keep coming back. And like you said, when they come in, they already know who you are. And definitely if you're producing content and people come to you, they actually already want to buy.


They're looking. For you, and so you don't if you don't have a product, then get a product or coaching or something because they're coming to you, it's kind of like I just remember, like, gosh, all this shows it's kind of a personal example, but it's kind of weird. Looked back at an old family video and there was this girl that I was interested in. I didn't realize she looked like the family victim. How did I not see that?


You catch that right there.


And it's funny when people if people are calling you, if people are subscribing, they're content to do this stuff. And that's not sales. It's like you're just saying, look, this is who I am. And if you resonate, if we vibe, that's a good thing and not everyone is going to vibe and but it's done so efficiently. I think that's when I started.


I'm so glad I didn't even know that you could monetize a podcast. Like there's I knew nothing about it. Right. Like, I just started a podcast first and foremost, because I like the fact that you can talk to like and you didn't need to do video like now I want seven cameras around. I love that stuff. Right. But at the start it was like you're talking to my cousin Kevin in sales my whole life. I'm on a phone call.


I get had any but I've yet to come across anyone who said, I don't like your voice. I'm not that people said you have the sexiest, sweetest voice, guys. I never heard that either, but I never heard that it wasn't nice. I said, OK, this is kind of cool and it's for free. I did it just so I can be like I can send something to my clients. So it was like even it's just my clients listen and ten of them listen at the start, I would be happy because I've always believed, as I mentioned earlier, it's all coming back full circle that you can build with it.


You can build with the relationships. You can build on a business very strong with the relationships that you make that if I had ten people, that was like my own little salesforce. Right. It was people who are going to talk about me. I mean, now my numbers are getting bigger, but I like to me, it all comes down to just my clients listening. They're getting educated. I don't sell anything on the podcast. It really is, as you mentioned, to get a better way to get really to be a fly on the wall of conversations that I would already have anyways.


I just happened to be recording them now. And so for anybody who's watching and listening right now, if you're not producing content and you're in business, oh, you are missing out on so much.


And and like, I can't just say it any I can't be any nicer. Like, you got to do it. And here's the cool thing. We don't listen to podcast and we don't all watch videos. There's other ways we consume content, pictures, animations. We're getting word. There's so many ways you can get your word out, but you got to get your word out.


Yeah. People get to know what you stand for, what you stand, what you're about, even just simple things like you follow enough people. And if someone even said, oh, this person said this, you might know that person would have said that.


I follow the content. I know them. I know they wouldn't have done this.


It's kind of like if you have a favorite sports player, someone that you follow do thank you so much. So much of this is so, first of all, on spot for what I've what I've seen in my years as an entrepreneur and just as being true. I absolutely love your energy. Where can people find out more about you and keep up with what you're doing and learn more about how you can help?


Best places to go to Jas Takhar. I've also started a new tech community that I'm very excited about. It really is the best way to get direct access to me. Ask me any questions about entrepreneurship, sales, content creation. It's me. The first time that you go send a text, it's a robot. But then after that it's always me direct access. The number to that is 647-372-0126.


That's six four seven, three seven two, zero one two six. And I appreciate you at Wade. Thank you.


Thank you. Awesome! We'll definitely put that in the link. So if you're listening, the podcast will be in the show links. If you're watching on YouTube, it's below, it's on the blog, whatever it might be. Do. Thank you so much. It's so refreshing to see people that really still not only understand that giving works, but bring a certain energy and excitement. And so I have no doubt the people that work with you are getting to experience a level of education of of experience of that sort of real world MBA.


So congratulations on all you're doing. Thank you so much for coming out. And to all of you out there, again, I've said it and start creating your content if you're not already. I waited seven years to start my podcast and then started three years ago, start earlier.  It's like planting a tree. The second best time is today. First best time was ten years ago or yesterday. Just do that and as always, I look forward to helping you make more money, in less time,


doing what you do best, helping more people, so you can better enjoy your family, your friends and your life. Thanks for listening, everybody.


Jas TakharProfile Photo

Jas Takhar

#FromTheGroundUp | Real Estate Investment Broker|Founder of REC Canada|Sales Mentor|Podcast Host|Author

Toronto native, Jas Takhar, has been in the sales and service industry for over 25 years. Soon after deciding to try his hand in real estate, he co-founded the REC, and in the course of 15 years, has successfully propelled his team to the 1st place position in Canada under Royal LePage.